potential world record

Dan H

New member
potential world record at Unaka

At Unaka today Johnnie Stewart shot a .047 at 200 yards in the afternoon LV. What I heard from the scoring room was "I don't believe this", That target cost me a dollar bill, I think Johnnie was taking me for a walk.
Congratulations to Johnnie, he shot lights out.:D:D:D

Dan Honert
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I wuz there!!!

I was sitting two benches to the right of Johnnie and shot a .680!!

The referees wouldn't post the target on the wailing wall, but there was a steady stream of heathens flowing through the office to pay tribute to the small group gods!!!
A True Treasure

Cudos for protecting that target. If the target goes through the Records committe and is confirmed, I have a feeling Johnnie's namewill be in the record book for a long time.

Congratulations on a outstanding accomplisment..........jackie
Great shooting Johnny, that's a target you can be proud of for sure. It was measured by Gordon Earp, who has had the oppurtunity to measure a few world record targets that have stood, so it's going to be interesting to see what comes back. If it stands as is, I don't think I will see that record broken in my life time. I will try to post full results of the match either late tonight (as I'm working all day) or tomorrow, but Terry Leonard shot superbly this weekend taking the 2-gun win followed by Uncle George Waldrep who shot exceptionally well at 200 yards.

Great job Johnny, couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Matthew S Keller
Way to go Johnny! That must feel REAL good. Glad to see such a good guy do something like this.---Mike Ezell
Matthew, did you or anyone take a picture of the target? It would be nice for the world to see if one could be posted.

I think Wayne was taking care of all the paperwork for the Record.

I went to pull the target and almost fell over :eek: thought for sure someone only fired 1 shot at it. I swear I stood and stared at it for 3 minutes before I could muster the nerve to pull it from the frame, Asked Normans Grandson, Dalton to verify that the backer had more than one hole in it, YEP.

Purdiest Target I ever did see !

Congradulations Johnny

That's a fantastic group... basically it would look similar to a single 7mm caliber hole... at 200 yards!