Posted for general information

I always try to avoid controversy; you know that. If I had gone off topic I would have also mentioned minor league baseball's Lansing Lugnuts (real team in Lansing, Michigan).

Lansing Lugnuts, Ahh I rememeber them. They got their nuts made in Communist China with bailout money didn't they??
Yup, I remember the Lugnuts, thanks for the memory Francis. I also remember hauling a lot of machinery, steel and odds & ends out of those Olds factory's, seems to me that the only growth left in Michigan is on the Govenor's face:D.
Now then to get off topic, generally there is as far as I can see two kinds of people on the forum, the haves, and the have nots, the haves are the ones who delight in stirring the pot, lighting the fuse, and in GENERAL instigate havoc, they have the nack, I know both of them personally. Do I need to mention names? A hint: one lives in MI and the other in East TN.;)

Dan Honert
Glad to see he wants the politics out. Many a good conversation has been ruined by political pontification.

The second seems like common sense. Although probably not always common. ;)