Posted for general information


Dennis Sorensen


I don't think you will find this information in the forum any longer, I don't think the search goes back that far... But Wilbur the owner and administrator of this website made a few decisions a while back after some issues were discussed on this forum.

It was decided that personal attacks and one sided attacks are not permitted on Benchrest Central.

It was decided that politics and religion are not topics for discussion on Benchrest Central.

It was decided that pictures of harvested game are not to be posted on Benchrest Central.

I don't think you will find this information in the forum any longer, I don't think the search goes back that far... But Wilbur the owner and administrator of this website made a few decisions a while back after some issues were discussed on this forum.

It was decided that personal attacks and one sided attacks are not permitted on Benchrest Central.

It was decided that politics and religion are not topics for discussion on Benchrest Central.

It was decided that pictures of harvested game are not to be posted on Benchrest Central.

BEER is a religion now?

Are impersonal, two-sided attacks still allowed?

I believe what Wilbur meant was posting a complaint/attack about a dealer or gunsmith (one side is only being presented by one party) is not allowed. It is too easy to hurt someone unfairly...
Are the assailed not allowed to retaliate? Dennis should know that the one who retaliates in the NHL is the one that gets the penalty. I never liked that rule.
Now let's get back on subject. Generals.
Okay, now we're back on topic. I can remember my 1st hockey game. I believe it was the Edmonton Oilers playing the Minnesota North Stars. I watched Wayne Gretzky, Andy Moog, Jari Kurri and Mark Messier playing for the Oilers in the Northlands Coliseum up in Edmonton, Alberta. What a trip !
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
The old Edmonton Oilers were such a great team... fantastic hockey back then...
I see gender bias slipping in here. Not good!

How about somebody toss in a few homilies about rhythmic gymnastics or synchronised swimming?
I see gender bias slipping in here. Not good!

How about somebody toss in a few homilies about rhythmic gymnastics or synchronised swimming?

GENDER BIAS?? I like hockey but my favorite girls team is the DALLAS COWBOY CHEERLEADERS(got the autographed pictures to prove it). :)
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Bobby Orr changed the game to where the defenseman became a rushing defenseman but Paul Coffey perfected that aspect of the game. Then again, if you are as old as me you'll remember that Red Kelly was an all-star defenseman in Detroit and an all-star forward in Toronto. Hockey does have it's feminine side - your outer socks are held up with a garter belt.
I don't know how old you are but my hockey knowledge started December,1981 in Edmonton. I'm probably a few years younger than you but got a later start! :)

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Are the assailed not allowed to retaliate? Dennis should know that the one who retaliates in the NHL is the one that gets the penalty. I never liked that rule.
Now let's get back on subject. Generals.


I have it on good authority that General Patton was a big fan of Firestone Brewery's "Velvet Merlin" Oatmeal Stout.

Think this will fly?

How about adding:

"It was decided that posts about ice hockey are not permitted on Benchrest Central."
I guess they would do in a PINCH ! :)

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"

I have it on good authority that General Patton was a big fan of Firestone Brewery's "Velvet Merlin" Oatmeal Stout. Think this will fly?

Justin, is this company still in business? My favorite is Guiness Stout and a few others. I would like to order a case or 60 if they are.

The Oilers of the early 80's and prior to them the Montreal Canadians.

If memory serves me right the Canadians lost something like only 8 games in the 76-77 season. Okay I cheated....... Wiki helped me out. What about Grant Fuhr from the Oilers dynasty. That sawed off runt would stand on his head. I don't think drugs had anything to do with it. I remember watching the Oilers play. Whenever they had a 3 on 2 rush I would be disappointed if they did not score. It seemed they scored on every 3 on 2 rush. No matter what anyone says I think Gretzky is the GREATEST Pro sports player of all time.

Ken Dryden, what a goalie. Next to him was Vladislav Tretiak. I remember in grade 4 playing floor hockey in our school gym which was smaller than a lot of master bath rooms today. I would play goalie pretending I was Tretiak. If I only knew how to skate.....................

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Hate to have you guys think I'm on the old side but, hockey was different when there was the original six. The difference between making it into the playoff or not was the fourth line. Montreal had Olmstead, Marshall, and Trombley and no one could keep up with them. I quit playing in 1976 and went back to the arena only one time after that. It was Montreal vs Detroit at Joe Louis Arena. There was a stoppage in play and all the players went over to the benches. I asked my son-in-law, who got the tickets, what that was about. "Commercial Time Out". So, there isn't enough talent to support four lines so they have these stoppages so the teams can skate only two lines? The difference between a contender and an also ran is now the third line. Hey, what about Larry Robinson on defense? Dryden didn't have to worry about rebounds as there was no one left standing to get one.
The fourth line all shoot benchrest and so we aren't off topic.

Francis, you are getting off topic, you didn't mention the New Jersey Generals and this is a General forum you know!!