Possible record shot at Ridge Rifle.


New member
We shot a Unlimited RBA match this evening at Ridge Rifle range. Ken Camper shot a pending, 250-24x on the first relay. Check out the pics.

Good Shooting!

I don't care who you are that's good shooting.
Hey Fred, haven't heard from you in a year.
Actually their just might be two Records

Our friend Dennis Drake took the overall agg.

With a 750-55X.

Seems that I will be mailing four targets to Elizabeth.

Craig, you missed a great shooting match tonite.

Congratulation’s Ken

That is as good as it has ever been
As may be as good as it will ever be

You have set the Bar so high
Nothing short of perfect will ever be good enough

Great Shooting,
Way to go Ken!

We were trying to get there,by way of Amelia's restaurant in Christiansburg, which has the best Philly cheese on the planet . AB had something to do and did not finish in time to drive up. You guys would have beat us like a rented mule , now Im glad we didnt make it. That is some tall order shooting . Craig
Those Myers guns were taking names and kicking tails last nite. Great shooting guys.
After first target I told Ken I thought I had dropped one and he said he did too. I was talking points and he was talking X's
Record Target - Targets

Great shooting on the 250-24X. That is simply awesome. It looks like it will definately be a new RBA Unlimited World record.

The Unlimited agg of 750-55 is simply awesome too! It is a point better than the world record Unlimited agg but it will not count unless it was shot in a State, Regional, or National match. An individual target will but the agg wont ? That Sucks.

Great Shooting Guys!