***POLL***.6 Rule POLL***

.6 Rule ???

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wilbur -- if you go to the forum index, there are three column headings. The last column on the right reads "Last Post," and gives a user name, and a time.

After 5:00 or so pm, there were two new times for this thread, both attributed to mike in co -- one around 9:00 pm, and the second around 12:30 am (on 2/2/12). But when I opened up the thread, the last post was still mike's 5:00pm post.

So, what caused the time (as it appears on the forum index) to change twice, when there was nothing added, or edited, within the thread?

Or was it simply that there were two new votes, but since voter names aren't tracked, mike's name remained?
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Charles click on the numbers, not percents and it will show who has voted.
Now I understand...

Charles, that is normal.

The forum software will update the time/date stamp on a thread any time it has been accessed. But the last post will still be attributed to the last person to actually typed a text post. So even though a vote took place, Mike still shows up as the last poster (in the case you saw)

Most annoying about this is the fact that the thread keeps coming to the top of the forum in spite of the fact that there has been no new post. I nearly deleted one of the thread I started some time back, when the damn thing kept coming back from the dead as people would vote. Such is life, but, that is the way the forum software works.
Neat trick, Gene.

To answer an earlier poster,

Just wondering how many people voting are actually IBS members? :cool:

I recognize a lot of names. Not all -- we're starting to get big -- but most of them.

One I do recognize is mike in co, who, as best I can tell, has only shot a couple 1,000 yard matches in his life, and those were a number of years ago. Again, best I can tell, he is not a current member of the IBS. Didn't stop him from voting. though. If I'm wrong, I apologize.
Doesn't keep you from continuing your speculative snarkery and tabloid tactics though does it Charles ;)

Ohh, if you're just bumping friend-to-friend with mike in co then,

bless yer heart...I apologize,

Nope, I'm not bumping friend to friend. You'll note that when Bob Pastor asked him flat outright, he deflected.

I don't count this as tabloid. Just a minute -- I'll have to look up snarky.


"Definition of SNARKY. 1. : crotchety, snappish. 2. : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner <snarky lyrics>. — snark·i·ly \-kə-lē\ adverb ..."

No, my feelings are stronger than that.
maybe you can get some to read the answer to you..i know you have an issue with big words.....

so i cut and pasted it here....

yes i do compete as an ibs member in 1000yd br competition.( if you follow this forum, my self build was a thread here)..at the club that was not given the nationals because "someone thought they could not follow the rules"...no one asked if the club would follow the rules..they just decided to give the nationals to the club that just held last years."

and not it was not years ago.....i only finished the gun last year..........

my membership is not current but when i show up . i'll make them current..............
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I watched two seasons of 'Top Shot' on netflix, I thought "wow, this is like a soap opera!" I would hope to rise above the fray were I in that position........having never been in the situation I'll admit that that's presumptuous of me. :)

That said, I do agree that voting while not a member isn't acceptable.


First I am an IBS member. I am against polling on this forum or any forum or even on the IBS web site since 1) IBS memberships are not serial numbered like NBRSA so there is no way to verify voters, and, 2) Many IBS members, who are the ones who should influence IBS rule decisions, are not on the Internet.
I do not agree with the .6 rule. The more shooters in a relay the harder it is to win. If you limit the size of the relays shoots could last longer, making travel delays for shooters. Maybe even adding a nights stay in some cases. This sport needs to make its self more attractive, adding time and expense its not doing that. I am glad to see the input from everyone. Just my experience and opinion
I Voted and I'm am an IBS. member. And I Voted just once! We have to try something to get this straightened out. Voice your opinion, call your IBS. freinds, lets get it settled. Points for relays doesn't seem right to me. Big matches only, State and Nationals. Ask the IBS. to put a ballot in the mail to all long range shooters, they pobably don't even know who we all are. Try something!

Joe Salt
i dissagree jerry.....the issue is in the discipline i shoot and the club( well it was up til this issue) where i shoot. i have always shot as ibs and expect to shoot in the future as ibs. it is just timing on the dues....nothing more.

mike in co
mike in co:

I had remembered that you shot before 2011. But it is hard to get information about the Byers matches. If the May 2011 match was indeed the first (and it appears, only) match you shot, and if you joined the IBS at that match, then you are still current. IBS membership is for 12 months, not the calendar year.

I would say that the experience of one match warrants you to an opinion, but not the vociferous, repetitive arguments you seem always to make.
It takes a lot to get me cranked up but here I am. Sorry I missed the part where it said only IBS members could vote. So please disqualify my no vote. I hoped to shoot some this year but I guess that does not count. That Mike guy gets on my nerves but guess what, you have just about stooped to that level in my opinion. Now you dictate what someone is entitled to opine on a public forum. For someone who did not want to be a moderator you sure haven't stopped. You need to take a day off. Between spelling police, worrying about dead voters and just all around policeing you must be about worn out. I do wish you would post some more about big .30's. I am waiting on my Stainless Viper to build one. I can tell you have a ton of experience and success with them. Just wanted to say hello. Stephen Dean
i dissagree jerry.....the issue is in the discipline i shoot and the club( well it was up til this issue) where i shoot. i have always shot as ibs and expect to shoot in the future as ibs. it is just timing on the dues....nothing more.

mike in co
Mike co, are you are you not a current IBS member? Is this thread about an IBS rule??
It takes a lot to get me cranked up but here I am. Sorry I missed the part where it said only IBS members could vote. So please disqualify my no vote. I hoped to shoot some this year but I guess that does not count. That Mike guy gets on my nerves but guess what, you have just about stooped to that level in my opinion. Now you dictate what someone is entitled to opine on a public forum. For someone who did not want to be a moderator you sure haven't stopped. You need to take a day off. Between spelling police, worrying about dead voters and just all around policeing you must be about worn out. I do wish you would post some more about big .30's. I am waiting on my Stainless Viper to build one. I can tell you have a ton of experience and success with them. Just wanted to say hello. Stephen Dean
So basically, and admittedly being a little dramatic, you want me to go commit seppuku, but first tell you everything I know about .30s for long range?
I'm sorry I did not realize it was Samurai Charles. Really just had a chill day in mind. You sure can make a fellow look in the dictionary. I certainly would rather be educated about .30's for long range by you than Mike. While I got ya here any thoughts on a 30-375 Ruger. Have a good weekend Charles, I really appreciate when you share your knowledge.
sdean i think Eric Springman was shooting one. If you start a new thread some of the guys shooting them will respond. Hard to beat a 300WSM. Matt
I dont shoot much 1000 yard, I mostly shoot 600 yad because I like the format much better. I never understood why there was so much diference in the way a 600 yard match is run and a 100 yard match is. I would hate to see the .6 rule come into 600 yard and that is why I voted no. Honestly I think that the 600 set up if far better and I would like to see the 1000 yard follow it.
I dont shoot much 1000 yard, I mostly shoot 600 yad because I like the format much better. I never understood why there was so much diference in the way a 600 yard match is run and a 100 yard match is. . .

Because in the early days of 1,000 yard shooting, we'd have 6 relays of LG, and 4 of HG. If you did a 4-target agg, that would be 40 relays. Figure 20 minutes per relay. You do the math -- I get 13 hours, twenty minutes.

Pennsylvania has it down to about as fast as it can be done? What's your cycle time for a relay?

Matches aren't as well attended as in the past, but I still don't think we can get a 4-target agg done in a day.