Polk County Gun Club - Fall and Winter Benchrest League



The Polk County Gun Club announces:

Fall 2015/ Winter 2016 Benchrest League

2015 - Sunday afternoon – October 25, November 29, December 20
2016 - Sunday afternoon – January 31, February 28, March 27

Starts at Noon

Custom, Factory, Varmint, and AR Class.
The shoot format will be 3 at 100, 3 at 300, then 3 more at a 40% reduced groundhog
target at 300 ( it will appear the same size as a 500 yard target. )
Then two five shot groups at 300 for score.
19 shots total, 30 minutes to shoot , sighters ok too!

Rimfire:The shoot format will be 6 at 100 (1 target) , then 3 more on a 40% reduced
groundhog target at 100.

Then two five shot groups at 100 for score.
19 shots total, 30 minutes to shoot , sighters ok too!

Cost to enter will be $20 per gun and you can enter as much as you like.
International Benchrest Shooters Association (IBS) rules, targets, and scoring for the league.
Rifles will not have to meet IBS rules, weight, etc. Sighter targets will be available too !
IBS or Polk County Gun Club Membership is NOT necessary for these matches. All welcome !

Juniors ( under 16 ) shoot free !

This will be a two part league (Oct, Nov, Dec, first part; then Jan, Feb, and March second part) awards at the end of each league part.
Awards will be given out in Dec, and again in March based on aggregate score for each fall and winter league. (1st, 2nd, 3rd place awards in each rifle class)
Small group in Dec and March decides any ties in score.

At the March shoot we will present a new group of challenge/traveling trophies for the overall fall/winter league winners. Your name and date will be engraved on these awards.
Last Sunday in each month beginning at noon. Attendance at 5 of the 6 fall/winter league matches to qualify for the challenge/traveling trophies.

Club address is:
Polk County Gun Club
1243 Little Mountain Road
Columbus, NC 28722

The club is located approximately 4-miles east of Landrum, SC, about 40 miles southeast from Asheville, NC and 20 miles northwest from Spartanburg, SC along I-26.
Should. be over about 3. We are shooting a groundhog target for score in the winter league, then shoot some eggs too!