Please, Be In Contact With Your Region Director.

jackie schmidt

New member
There is a very important Agenda Item being presented by The Gulf Coast Region at this years Board of Directors Meeting. In short, it is to establish Varmint for Score and a NBRSA Sanctioned Event.

I encourage every NBRSA Member to attend your Regional Meeting, or ,if not possible,at least express your feelings on this matter to your Region Director. Our Directors are elected by us to do the buisiness of the Organization. It would be a shame if one was to say at the Annual Meeting, "nobody has said anything to me one way or another".

This particular Agenda Item is not the same as something like the "tuner rule" that was passed a few years back. This is much more than simply modifying a equipment rule. This is a major modification in that it will creat an entirely new shooting Discipline and Course of Fire, Sanctioned and Approved by the NBRSA.

Time is running out. The National Meeting is just weeks away. Every member has the obligation to express to your Director the way you feel about this, either pro, or con.

We become lax in so many things. In most elections, less than 1/2 of the eligible voters even bother. I guess the old adage is true,if you do not vote, then don't complain.

We have a chance, right now, to be part of the proccess. Every member should be heard, through his Region Director. That is the way it works.

At this years meeting, let's give our Directors what they need, real input, from real Members, so they can make an informed and intellegent decision concerning this Item.

If you could care less, then that is your perogative. But, if you do care about the future of our NBRSA, be part of the proccess.....

What is Scott's e-mail address?? I looked on the NBRSA/Gulf Coast page and that information was not provided. It would seem like each region should provide contact information for the regional representative on its site.

Scott can be reached by the phone number in The NBRSA News. He will welcome your call.

He toldme just theother day that his Computer has been down........jackie
Vote early vote often

Jackie, Thanks for the reminder about varmint for score. I have told Scott my opinion about this already. I am sorry about his computer being down. I recommend Prozac 20 mg. q.d. Tim

What is Scott's e-mail address?? I looked on the NBRSA/Gulf Coast page and that information was not provided. It would seem like each region should provide contact information for the regional representative on its site.

You can send Scott Hunter a message at the NBRSA website. Just click on the "contact" icon and then address it to the Gulf Coast Regional Director and have at it.....I just did....:)
You can send Scott Hunter a message at the NBRSA website. Just click on the "contact" icon and then address it to the Gulf Coast Regional Director and have at it.....I just did....:)
Certainly you can send it. But if his computer is down, how will he receive it?
We are having an ER meeting regarding the proposals at Holton on Saturday evening.

This is a GROUP match, but I would be surprised that the score proposal is not favoarably looked at by the shooters there. Most of our ER group shooters have shot, if not started out shooting, in score matches.

My talley of discussion with ER members of the NBRSA is:
- 104 members talked with at matches and 37 e-mails received by me:

- 138 wanted me to second the motion and 137 of those wanted me to vote for the proposal. One guy wanted to have see how the Directors discussed it in the meeting, but said he didn't care whether we had score shooting or not. (I took that as an abstention.)

- 2 members didin't want me to second the proposal and neither of those had ever shot a score match. Both believed that VFS would kill group shooting. (I couldn't get a plausible answer as to how that was going to occur from them.) When I asked how we could bring in new ranges and shooters, neither had any recommendations.

- one member didn't know what "seconding the motion" meant and he also didn't want me to vote for VFS becasue he didn't like the .30 BR. I had a tough time understanding that logic, but his is entitled to his opinion. (I took that as an abstention and a "no" without much thought, but still a "no".)

I will post the results of the discussion at Holton next week.

I understand that the Mississippi Valley Director Bud Mundy had a similar meeting at a recent GROUP match at St. Louis where this proposal was discussed. The vote supposedly was 19 to 1 in favor of adopting VFS. (Ron Hoehn asked the one dissenting voter why he voted that way and he said that he didn't want the count to be unanimous. I am again befuddled by that logic, but that member is surely entitled to his vote, too.) I am sure that Bud is havng serious discussion with his constituency to ensure that they are adequately represented on this and all other pending issues.

It will be interresting to see how the discussion goes in the Directors' meeting. The one comment that sticks in my mind through this entire process is that score shooting will occur with or without the NBRSA sanctioning it.
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VFS isn't the only proposal up for discussion.

There are other proposals, some of which (summarized) are:

- clarifying wind flag placement to include restricting the position of flags to be only within the " competitive shooting lane" defined as (the centerlines between benches to the centerlines between target cards unique to each competitor". The penalty would be setting flags down after the beginning of the match.

- changing the order of competition for National Tournaments to have Sporter and Light Varmint 100-yard matches on Wednesday and Heavy Varmint 100 held on Thursday and then have Heavy Varmin and Light Varmint 200 held on Friday and Sporter 200 on Saturday. The General Membership meeting would be held on Thursday afternoon. There is an alternative proposal to simply change the order so as to minimize the number of flag settings (this is similar, but may change the order of what is shot on Saturday - sporter 200 or HV 200).

- USA World Team would be limited to just the Nationals and one other qualifying match, and using the Light Varmint and Heavy Varmint results. The proposal also limits the number of points to 75 per class. An alternative to this format would be to include Sporter and dropping the worst aggregate.

I urge memebrs to discuss these and the other pproposals with your regional director.
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Great Effort. It looks like you and our our Region Directors are putting in overtime.

Even though you are not my Region Director, I would like to comment on the issues raised in this thread.

First, as far as the HV not being the "last event shot" at the Nationals. It was explained to me years ago that the reason the NBRSA shot HV at the end, was it was the "premier class", and a lot of shooters used to come on the final two days just to shoot that one event.

I suppose that time has passed. Some of the "purist" might object, but if it makes life easier for the Organization as a whole, I would see no reason not to back the proposal.

The World Team Qualifying thing?? I guess my question would be, "what is the problem with the current system"??. Leaving the qualifying to just one match could be detremental to an excellent shooter who just doesn't have it together for that match. On the other hand, making the attempt for the World Team under the current system, (best 3 qualifyers), can be quite expensive. I watched Gene Bukys quest for his World Championship go on for over a year and a half. He spent a lot of time and money, and put forth a tremendous effort just to make the qualifyers.

I am in the proccess of deciding if I want to give it a try for the next World Team. I have already decided that under the current system, I would have to skip just about every Region Match, since making the long trips for the Qualifyers would use up all of my resourses. I suppose cutting it to The Nationals and just one other match would be a plus in that regard.

As for including Sporter as an alternative. They do not shoot Sporter at the World Championships. (although 99 percent of the shooters shoot a 'Sporter'). Having a class as an altenate qualifyer that is not even part of the World Benchrest Format seems a little odd.

I guess we will discuss this at the Gulf Coast Region Meerting, and see what comes out. My question would be would this affect next years qualifyers if the BOD does pass it??

As for the flag centerline thing. I know shooters who set their flags in such a manner that they are no where near any centerline. Maybe I don't quite understand what this item is talking about.............jackie
As for the flag centerline thing. I know shooters who set their flags in such a manner that they are no where near any centerline. Maybe I don't quite understand what this item is talking about.............jackie

I’m pretty sure it means the maximum allowable offset would be the centerline between your bench, and your neighbors bench.
But I'm not sure if that would include the tails?
Might need shorter ones, depending on the wind... :confused:
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