Yeah!!! I heard that guy SUED.........
somebody for that video, said it damaged his "Professionable Credibility" or something.
Al; The reason you don't hear too much "bad press" about Glock is because they will pull ALL their advertising in any magazine in which an author says anything negative about them, until that author no longer works at that magazine. Then, if the guy gets a job at another magazine, when they find out where he is, they just pull all their ads in that magazine, too, without saying why, until they're asked. This is known, but not mentioned anywhere, but if you want some stories about Glocks & ARs, go to "The Gun Zone", there are numerous incidents there, including one about the slovenly conditions on the Glock firing range where they swept up the powder after each day's testing, only to have a "flashover fire" there one day which killed one employee, as a result of improper care for flammable solids. I believe that's referenced on TGZ, too, but you have to search the site for these entries, they aren't listed in any sort of order, seems like, "as they arrive".
And, Al, I don't post this w/out having checked this thoroughly w/a researcher who has NEVER given me "Bad Poop". I know you like the Glock, and I'm not trying to "cut you" on this, believe me. When I post something like this, I'm only trying to make people who are NOT aware, aware of some problems to watch out for. Its no fun getting shot, none at all.
And as far as the Calgary officer is concerned, he's not the only one, there are numerous cops who've been shot, or had the guns go off under similar conditions, they just didn't get shot.......but close......REAL close