Pinnacle Mtn. USAARBR/WRABF/BIPM ~ 8/21/13


Dave Shattuck

This Saturday, September 21st, Pinnacle Mountain F&G Club of Lyndeborough, NH will be hosting it's End of Summer Airgun Benchrest Extravaganza, the second of our three USARBR/WRABF/BIPM matches for 2013.

Start Time will be 9:00 A.M. with the Gates opening by 8.

Hopefully we will be able to shoot 6 targets each, but rumor has it there may be a few shooters sharing equipment, meaning there’s a strong possibility of needing a second relay. If that is the case, I will do my best to accommodate as many of you as possible who would like to shoot both relays, and thus 6 targets.

The cost will be $8.00 for 3 targets, and $15.00 for 6 (no $50.00 or $100.00 bills will be accepted).

These 6-Target matches typically run for around 5 hours, so please bring your lunch or a light snack as there will be no food available at the range other than for a good selection of soft drinks and water available from the Clubhouse refrigerator for a small donation.

If you have any questions or need directions, please feel free to contact me by either emailing:, or calling: 978-877-8482 and I will get back to you as soon as possible. And please, if you are thinking of coming in by using your GPS, that just ain’t gonna happen so you had better contact me beforehand about getting a hard copy of the directions just in case. And, once Saturday morning comes, please don’t try to call my cell as there is no cellphone signal at the range.

See you on Saturday, and good luck,

Dave Shattuck
Count me in for HV BIPM. Just a thought would it be possible to shoot 25 meter Rimfire BIPM for the second relay at the far end bench 12 ? If not that's OK. My STEYR makes more noise than my Rimfire.

I will bring the EV-2 for your testing.

See you Sat.


For this match I don't see any harm in allowing rimfires to be used from any bench along the entire line so long as we can guarantee the bullets are impacting into either the 50 or 100 yard berms. Normally when shoot rimfires at 50 Y the stands are high enough so we go right over that first berm and impact into the 100 yard berm. By moving the stands in will change the firing angle to target, some benches more than others, and may mean you'll have to place your target lower on the backer to ensure the bullets don't skip off the top of that 50 Y berm. Shouldn't be a problem though.

We can decide what's what after setting up the range. And even if we end up needing just one relay, we'll still be shooting 6 targets, so here again, no problem.

Hummmm, now it looks like I'll have to bring 3 guns along (2 Air and 1 Rimfire) just incase I decide to join you.

Until Saturday,

I'll be there to shoot the BIPM but won't participate in the USARB scoreline. I just checked the Weather Channel online and it looks like I should have shot my postal match at our last evening match of the year at Salem this past Wed.. It was dead calm by the third target. Weather Channel is calling for a typical mild Pinnacle Mtn. day...10-20mph winds:eek: I really can't figure out why I like that range so much:confused:
Couldn't get in touch with Rick, so Max will be along for the ride.
See you in the AM,