Pinnacle Mountains not so Frozen Fingers Follies


Dave Shattuck

This Saturday, April 21st, will be the last of our FROZEN FINGERS FOLLIES
@ Pinnacle Mountain Fish & Game Club in Lyndeborough, NH. for 2012

As of right now the FORECAST is calling for CLOUD COVERED SKIES with a chance of RAIN happening in the latter on in the day, and highs in the Mid-60’s. I’ll post any changes to that as the day draws closer.

The Gates will open by 9 A.M. with Sign-in and Set-up happening until 10. Shooting hopefully will begin promptly at 10:00 A.M.
We will be shooting 3 WRABF targets at 25M.

We are now entering into BLACK FLY SEASON, so after the mild winter we just had they will be chomping at the bit to suck you dry so don’t forget your bug juice!

And finally, remember to bring a light lunch as there will only be light snacks available at the range. As always there will be a good selection of soft drinks available in the Clubhouse refrigerator for a small donation.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me either by emailing:, or calling: 978-877-8482 and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Also, if you are thinking of coming in by GPS, be forewarned that that ain’t gonna happen, so you might want to contact me to get a hard copy of the directions before it’s too late.

See you on Saturday,

Dave Shattuck
Looking forward to testing my LV guns under better conditions than was at Holbrook last weekend. Will be early to help setup.

As of this A.M., the weather is supposed to be better than originally expected as they're now calling for the rains to hold off until after dark, and the temps to be closer to 70 than 50. Good stuff!

Paul, See you when we get there, and thanks for all you do. I couldn't do it without your help right at the moment.

Rick and I will be there. I hope to be shooting the Dawson with the new(used RF) barrel and Dan Brown regulator/bottle/quickfill/guage set up. If it's warm enough will we be using all of the benches?
As of this morning the barrel and thimble are machined. All I have left is fitting the reg, adjusting the reg, and fitting the stock. Keep your fingers crossed, the machining went well and the barrel's bore feels like it should be a shooter.

Rick and I will be there. I hope to be shooting the Dawson with the new(used RF) barrel and Dan Brown regulator/bottle/quickfill/guage set up. If it's warm enough will we be using all of the benches?
Because of what's being predicted for Saturday, all benches will be available. Now, having said that, because of everything that's been going on I have not made it up to the Club to check on the status of whether the Shooting Shack is still closed up, or has been opened, so some of us may be shooting full open air while others will still be shooting through portholes. I don't care either way. I'll bring along my stack of cards and will be happy to leave it up to the luck-of-the-draw unless anyone feels strongly one way or the other. Of course, lefties will have 2 benches to choose from initially, one open-air and one Shooting Shack, unless we have a run, then we'll make concessions as we go along.

Todd, In case the boys are come I've got their water bowl. Should I be planning on bringing water? And if so, how many gallons?

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Some pics of Todd's gun.

Hey, Where's my Leupold 40X???? Seriously, it's been about 2 hrs since I talked to you about inletting the stock for the new regulator and unless you've worked some photoshop magic it looks like you've done a heck of a job fitting it to the stock! I can't wait to take it for a ride at Pinnacle on Saturday!!!

Dave, Thanks for saving the waterbowl. I was about halfway home before I realized I'd left it. Kathy's got the day off and her daughter is coming up for the weekend so I don't have to bring the boys....but I think I'll bring Bear along for the ride anyway. It'll be like old times for us...
Leupold? Your gun came with a Tasco 4x15 Rimfire Rifle scope. I can't seem to find the scope at the moment but I'll gladly reimburse the used value of $5.

Hey, Where's my Leupold 40X???? Seriously, it's been about 2 hrs since I talked to you about inletting the stock for the new regulator and unless you've worked some photoshop magic it looks like you've done a heck of a job fitting it to the stock! I can't wait to take it for a ride at Pinnacle on Saturday!!!

Dave, Thanks for saving the waterbowl. I was about halfway home before I realized I'd left it. Kathy's got the day off and her daughter is coming up for the weekend so I don't have to bring the boys....but I think I'll bring Bear along for the ride anyway. It'll be like old times for us...
How's this Todd. Daniel and I took turns with your gun today shooting a target. We shot two hornets, (dummies made a nest in my pellet trap), 13xs and managed three misses. Total, 247 13x on very challenging afternoon conditions.
Be sure to bring some 13.4 jsbs with you tomorrow.
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Wooohoooo! Sounds good Dan! And you shot that with the 4X Tasco????Did you happen to try 14.35 JSBs? That's all I've got right now.
See you in the morning....probably not going to sleep much tonight!
I've got some 18.1's I can bring. If you'd like I can dump 'em out onto some sandpaper, then roll 'em around a bit to lighten 'em up for you.
It didn't like the 14.3s when I tried them. The 15.9s shot ok, I suspect at higher powers the heavier pellets will shine.
What did the total weight come too? Dan, I like how you did the new regulator with the gauge and QF on each side. Is that the adapter part you were telling me about?
Thanks. The weight is 12#s. Yes, the gauge and fill port are mounted to the regulator adapter. The spacing of the fill and gauge are 90 degrees, in the future I will try 80 degrees.

What did the total weight come too? Dan, I like how you did the new regulator with the gauge and QF on each side. Is that the adapter part you were telling me about?