Piney Hill winter schedule IR50 and ARA

bob finger

New member
Piney Hill Winter Schedule ARA and IR50

We finalized the schedules for Piney Hill today. This is a combined IR50 and ARA

October 25 IR50 3 gun followed by a UL SOTY match. 9:00 AM start

November 1 IR50 3 gun followed by a UL SOTY match 9:00 AM start

December 12 ARA 4 card club match 6:00 PM start
December 13 IR50 Unlimited Nationals, YARDS 9:00 AM start
December 14 IR50 Unlimited Nationals METERS 8:00 or 9:00 AM start TBD

January 16, 2015 ARA 4 card club match 6:00 PM start
January 17 ARA 6 card Tournament with double points Virginia state
January 18 ARA 6 card Tournament with double points Bill Myers Memorial
January 23 ARA 4 card club match 7:00 PM start
January 24 IR50 3 gun followed by a UL SOTY match. 9:00 AM start
January 31 IR50 Unlimited Virginia State, yards 9:00 AM start

February 1 IR50 Unlimited Virginia State, meters 8:00 or 9:00 AM start TBD
February 20 ARA 4 card club match 7:00 PM start
February 21 IR50 3 gun Virginia State yards 9:00 AM start
February 22 IR50 3 gun Virginia State meters 8:00 or 9:00 AM start TBD
February 28 IR50 3 gun followed by a UL SOTY match. 9:00 AM start

March 20 IR 50 Sporter Nationals 9:00 AM start
March20 reserve date for ARA club match in case of snow-out 6:00 PM start
March 21 IR50 3 gun Nationals, yards. 9:00 AM start
March 22 IR50 3 gun Nationals, meters 8:00 or 9:00 AM start TBD
March 28 IR50 3 gun followed by a UL SOTY match 9:00 AM start

If you have read this far, please inform me if you put the ARA January 16-17-18
matches on your schedule to give us an idea of how much food to have ready for
your enjoyment.

For those who have never had the pleasure of shooting at Piney Hill please follow
this link for directions; The b&b is directly across the
road from the Piney Hill range. We are the 2nd building from the road.

Hope to see many of you at Piney Hill this winter season. bob
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Thanks Bob

Thanks Bob for the good news. Glad to see ARA back at Pineyhill. Great facility, great people and great competition. What more can a serious rimfire shooter ask for.

Hope everyone can attend the matches this winter, IR50 and ARA shooters' alike. Your support will be greatly appreciated toward making this a successful indoor season.


See you there. O F

Molon Labe
Molon: Tony Harper gets full credit for coming up with the Friday evening ARA idea. Cross pollinating is always a good thing, unless it is not. This will give hard core IR50 shooters an opportunity to try ARA targets if they want to without extra travel. ARA shooters might just stay over and try a bit of IR50 the next day.

ARA has been absent from Piney Hill ever since we lost Bill Myers. I'm very happy to have it back! Scheduling is the main problem as we don't want to butt heads with ARA at Rocky River and IR50 has lots and lots of activity at Piney Hill, so free dates are hard to come by.

I hope this all works. Oh and both Tony and I are set up to do all ARA cards electronically. A substantial expense for both of us. That and Vicki is going to help when she can should make the Piney Hill venue special.

As always Piney Hill will be open for practice and BS on Friday afternoons before each event. bob