Pics flash ebert's turbo action

i got mine out of washington state used and proud to have but i need a bolt stop
Joe, thanks for the information. Since my hobby is shooting, if I have any issues that are beyond normal maintenance I will defer to a gunsmith. In addition, when I read the nature of most of the forum posts, if one used your maintenance criteria, it would appear that most posters on the forum should also find another hobby and then would be be remaining to compete against. Oh well, whatever, I really appreciate the information, I am sure it will be helpful to the gunsmith who has never taken apart a turbo bolt. Have a nice day.

Hi jGEE, I have a question about a torque action bolt setting. I can't find it anywhere. Was something mentioned about it in the manual???
Czech BR,
I had mine ( with good bedding ) torqued to 35 inch pounds, both front and back. If you need to work it out I would start at 20 inch pounds on each screw and then go up in 5 inch pound increments, first the front then the rear. I would not go over 50 inch pounds however. You are looking to get the least amount of verticle spread as you are tightening the action screws. Needless to say... you will want to do this at the range.
Thanks Steve,
will see the next week, when the rifle arrives.
all i can say is that is amazing work. all that knowledge will be gone forever some day.

good luck with your build and keep us posted.

No, you are wrong! The skill and the talent and the ideas in his work will live on and add to the body of knowledge that we use in our rifles. You can bet that his work has inspired and will continue to inspire others who admire fine workmanship. Thanks Flash.

Concho Bill