Pellet weighing...

sizing pellts is a waste of time !! it was a scam back in the 80"s alot of different sizes was on the market.people caught on to that a long time ago. don't waste your $ . thats my advice. does anyone have a better answer?? happy shooting. deleterman.

Would you care to expand on this? Your comment as quoted is confusing to say the least...


Happy Shooting...
Mitch & Shadow...
Mitch, if you're interested in pellet sizers give me a shout and I'll put you onto a guy in the UK who will make them for you, he's quite happy to ship kit to the US and his prices are very good.
I size all my pellets and extensive testing has proved to me that this helps improve my group sizes.
As usual, if you need further info just shout.

Robb H

Robb H,

I tried responding by PM however not having any response in some period of time, Yes, I'd like that information please... PM should work fine with me or e-mail if you prefer...

Mitch & Shadow...
pellet sizing

ShadowChaser,yes back in the 1980's Olymic air gun shooter thought it was the thing to size the pellets ,there was different size dies , you put your pellet in a certane size die and used a plunger to push it through the die and it was sized to the size, even Don Nygord the top shooter at the time sold these , up guess what? some one found out the the same thing happened when you pushed the pellet in to the bore -wa la it was sized to your bore !!easy huh?so the cat was out of the these guys had time on there hands to think up shooting BR-50 . just kidding. go out and have fun. shoot shoot and you will be a top shooter one ov these days.sounds easy huh? thats it. deliterman.
Regarding pellet sizing, early seventies into early eighties we did not have the advantage of pellets supplied from the mfg,s with different size heads in 177 that i remember. Much like the .22 and .20 nowdays. Also the quality of the pellets being produced now are are way ahead of the production of that time period. I used to use a sizer back then. Yes, it did make a differance on my equipment of that time period. Currently I do not see any improvement groupwise, other than weeding out deformed or small dia. heads from 500 count tins. In this respect it might be useful as trying to mike those little pills is a pita. Don's sizer also made the skirts very uniform which probably had more effect than the head dia. Equip. of the time was spring driven or single stroke pnumatic, co2 was coming on strong, more as a way of reducing shooter fatigue from cocking. Velocities ranged from 425 to 575 fps apx. At the time it was determined that the best velocity, for 10 meters with a apx. 8gr pellet, was in the 525-550 fps range.
Better Answer

sizing pellts is a waste of time !! it was a scam back in the 80"s alot of different sizes was on the market.people caught on to that a long time ago. don't waste your $ . thats my advice. does anyone have a better answer?? happy shooting. deleterman.

I knew World Class shooter Don Nygord personally, and HE sized pellets, as did many other champion level competitors. He felt the sizing just before shooting removed the thin film of lead oxide from the skirt, resulting in cleaner, more accurate shooting.

Lube prolly isolates the oxide from the barrel to a degree, but it wasnt much used in Don's day on pellets.

Many airgunners are fairly ignorant of technical terminology that has beeen ibn use for a century in other shooting sports, and often use the term "sizing" for a sorting process that helps weed out undersized pellets, rather than a process that actually changes the dimensions as the widely used term denotes in most shooting sports.
pellet sizer

been out of town for a few days , time to get up to date.anyone thats been around the block of pistol shooting knew Don Nygord,he was a real innovator, he came up with so many things to help the avg shooter -like the pellet sizer , pellets then did not have the quality control or the lead make up like to day -so with his pellet sizer and a few minuets the avg shooter could take a $2.00 tin and end up with the quality of a $6.00 match pellet. he was a one of a kind.but todays makeup and quality control of lead pellets that a thing of the past. the only thing now is weighing the pellets,time consuming but well worth it in the long run. another innovator thats long gone was Larry Brown the guy that got up to date on shooting precision bench rest use out of the dark ages.from center fire all the way to air rifle.with his help and so on Anschutz come out with there BR-50 rimfire now we have it easy. just keep shooting .;)
.....just thinkin' out loud....wouldn't the sudden blast of air up it's ass cause the pellets skirt to flare out to the i.d. of the bore?

John Harris
.....just thinkin' out loud....wouldn't the sudden blast of air up it's ass cause the pellets skirt to flare out to the i.d. of the bore?

John Harris

Yes... I have purposely run tests on pellets with skirts nearly squished closed and accuracy does not seem to suffer as long as I can load the pellet in the gun. The issue that concerns me is pellet head diameter and head concentricity however the more experience I get with this, I think weight sorting may be the best answer to this issue. Still a lot to learn about it yet though...

Happy Shooting...
Mitch & Shadow...
skirt dia

Yes, I too have tested bent skirt pellets and seen no real difference in accuracy compared to non-bent. Since the old "Bic" drop sizing test only looks at skirt dia, and a bent skirt on a smaller pellet can and often does "read" the same as a normal undamaged pellet, I see the test a nearly a waste of time.

The old Nygord sizer CAN help detect and weed out "Pee Wee's" by the force required when sizing. I bought special larger size ones from him in the late eighties, and still use em sometimes. A problem is some barrels just don't "like" sized pellets .... my favorite is like this.

Someone else claimed weighing will not always disclose a "small" pellet, and I disagree on that, since I have measured lots of the culls with a mike and have never seen an undersized pellet that was full weight .
pellet weighing

There must be something to sizing and weighing ,when you can take some hobby's sized them , sort them out by weight size then and spray them with some limon pledge and they shoot like a $12 box of match pellets. now the cats out of the bag.:D
Well, you know, they now

Cost well OVER $12.00/tin if you buy .22 cal ones.
pellet weighing

na just those cheap ol .177 hobbys. what is a good match pellet in .177 per tin? if it"s more than $12 that's robbery.but some times you just have to bite the bullet....thanks for your reply..