Patch out and accelerator


New member
How do you apply and use it? How long do you leave it in? Is it working for you? Does it work at a match given the time it needs to sit.
How do you apply and use it? How long do you leave it in? Is it working for you? Does it work at a match given the time it needs to sit.

I've been using these products for more than a few years. They have worked very well for me combined with WS2 coated bullets. I shoot score matches and clean my rifle sometimes after one yardage (50-60 rounds), but mostly after a match (110-130). Usually this is on Sunday morning after a Saturday match. Using a bore guide I wet a patch with Patch out and then add Accelerator to the patch. I short stroke the patch through the barrel, remove the dirty patch and repeat the process one time. I allow the barrel to sit for 15-30 minutes depending on what I have going on then push a clean patch through the barrel.(I was told quite a while ago by a manufacturers rep that Patch Out combined with Accelerator would do all it is going to do within 30 minutes.) If I see much, if any, blue (copper), I repeat the process. With factory barrels, I sometimes do this 4-5 times, but with custom barrels, it's usually not necessary. When the blue stops I use clean patches until they come out mostly clean. But, with coated bullets I don't try to get my barrels squeaky clean. I have a bore scope and I find that this procedure works well for me. Oh-BTW after this is done I run a patch of Lock Ease thru the bore.

Use it between targets in score match

I use it between targets in an IBS score match. I scrub with Accelerator for two patches, then a patch of Patch-out, leaving it to soak for as long as I have time for. Usually about 10 minutes. Then a couple of dry patches and a patch of Lock-Ease. I'm right back on my mark first shot. I repeat this after the match but leave the Patch-out in. When I get home I use Accelerator and Wipe-Out foam. Usually two applications get out anything that's left, which is very little. Accelerator and foam are all that is needed for serious cleaning down to bare metal of even the most fouled bore, even the rough ones. The bad bores can take a while though.
Well, I just mixed them together in a small bottle and apply both at one time. It works, but I prefer Bore Tech Eliminator, and I also use TM, Shooter's Choice (with Kroil); I use Kroil and some graphite mixed together for between cleanings. I also use Lock-EZ as the final patch before shooting.

I thought

that you were supposed to use the accelerator before the patchout. Isn't that what the instructions say? But then in the BR world everybody does it their way. Oh well.:confused:
I've tried Patchout and the acc. and found no better than Boretech and i don't see them any better than any other over the counter product. None come close to Wart Hog 1134…… jim
The last that I checked, Wart Hog 1134 is unobtanium.

If someone will send me an ounce or so, I might can get one of my chemist friends to figure out what's in it and post back.
and the instructions say to use Accelerator first in one pass

They do? I guess I better have a look. Lee