Pappas in Hospital


I want to thank the people on BRC for the kind words. I appreciate the posts of concern and well wishes from everyone. I got home Saturday afternoon. I tried to read this thread Sat. but was on pain killers so at times I was wondering who some of the posts were about. Again, thanks to all of you. The doctors decided to let me rest a few days before the neck surgery. I am feeling better and doing well. James
Glad to hear you are back home at least for a bit James. I hope your future procedures go smooth.

get well soon

I have been roaming around on this forum for a little while now and as we are all a bit in the same game I wish you a good recovery from your surgery.
I don't know you personally but a kind word never hurts.
Cheers Pieter.

You have a lot of friends and we have been pulling for you. We can't afford to lose you now when you are just getting good. When you are fully recovered, I will stop by and show you what I did to modify the rest you built for me. It is a most minor improvement for my wood stock and I am sure that it is something that you have done in the past. You are always a step ahead of me.

Concho Bill
gald to hear you are ok

bought a real nice front rest a couple of years ago, got it balck with jewelled top kinda

nice guy nice products, and he emailed to see I got it ok in canada and liked it

lost the front stop so I will have to order another and mayber a whole extra rest, they are neat