Pappas in Hospital


New member
James will not like me putting this on the forum, but I bet he will get over it. James had a heart catheterization this morning. They are keeping him overnight and discussing bypass surgery in the next day or two. His daughter Jessica and T-Bone are keeping the shop going, so there will not be any problems shipping out Slides or rests.

Please keep James in your prayers.
Dan, is that cleaning out his cartroid artery? He told me that was needed also. He needs this done so he can have a hernia operation. Say a bunch of prayers for him as he is one of the good guys.
Amen Butch!
James get better buddy. We are all praying for you.

Dan: GIVE my best wishes to Mr Papas. He is one I respect and has helped me on my journey in bench rest shooting. I will say Hail Mary's and light candles for him. Hope he is back among us soon. garrisone.
We're there for you.

James: Dorothy and I are praying for you. You did they same for us when we needed it. Thanks for all your help over the years.
Mr Pappas -get well soon :):):):), we need you back here at BC. Mr. James has sent me a couple of things no charge to help me with my rimfire adventure. A real class act, thank you Mr. Pappas. joe :)
Dan thanks for the post to let us know. I was going to call him today. I had no idea he was in the hospital. Please keep us updated and let us know how he's doing. James, get well quickly. As they said, you're one of the good guys.

News like this makes us wonder just how fragile the human body is and sometimes makes our personal situation seem insignifiant. I'm pulling for you James, get well, more imporant things in life than our hobbies.


James will be alright. He is as tough as a boot.

I will keep you in my prayers, James. You have more friends than you know.

Bill Wynne
heart cath's

This is the procedure that they use to determine the amount of blockage that you have in your heart by injecting dye into your heart. They have to run a cath tube from your groin up to your heart to inject the dye.
After seeing how much blockage a person has they then decide to either do bypass surgery or Stints and medicine.
Over the last 9 years I've had at least 6 of these procedures resulting in triple by pass surgery and at least 6 stints.

I'm thinking of you in my prayers James.
Larry Burchfield
mr. pappas

yes God bless and keep you. you will be in our prayers also and larry God bless you too its amazing what we can deal with!

This is the procedure that they use to determine the amount of blockage that you have in your heart by injecting dye into your heart. They have to run a cath tube from your groin up to your heart to inject the dye.
After seeing how much blockage a person has they then decide to either do bypass surgery or Stints and medicine.
Over the last 9 years I've had at least 6 of these procedures resulting in triple by pass surgery and at least 6 stints.

I'm thinking of you in my prayers James.
Larry Burchfield

I think James has already had bypass surgery and was hoping this procedure would result in just a few stints and not another bypass. Maybe we'll hear something today. We can only hope for the best.
Thank you for letting us know. Please let him know how some of us that he barely knows are praying for his full recovery. May God be blessed by this kind & gentle man's recovery.

Get better James....I'm sure they won't keep you long.....I just cant imagine you being a very good patient.

James, just wanted you to know that prayer are being sent your way from Southern Wisconsin, take care and God Bless......David Schliem
James says hey

I just talked to James a couple minutes ago......he is feeling the effects of the procedure yesterday but otherwise is in good spirits. They will be doing a single by-pass tomorrow, because, if they do a stint, they can't do the procedure on his neck for a year due to the blood thinners involved. He faces the neck artery thing in a couple of weeks and a little further on down the road the hernia procedure.

Joe Youngblood
James has already had by pass surgery before.

He goes in to get a Hernia fixed and that Doctor says go see you heart doctor to see if we can do this surgery. Heart doctor say go get a stress test. The stress Test did not go too good. Then they checked his carotids and they did not look good either. So, Joe is right, Pappas has a bunch of doctors visits in the next year.

I told him to see if they would give him a 3 for 1 special, and do all at the same time. Unfortunately it does not work that way.