Packing materials disposal

Pre-packaged spare air......

I've saved up a couple hundred and keep them in my Bugout Kits and stashed in caches around the property.

These along with my caches of dehydrated water may well mean the difference between life and death when TSHTF.....

I also train my kids to keep them in the trunk of the car. sometimes at a stoplight we'll hold our breath, jump out and run to the rear to suck a few down and back into the car, just to keep in practice.

Proper Practice and Preparedness Procedures make for a more Pleasant Post-Apocolypse we always say, and we're ALWAYS ready to go at them stoplights..... It's made for some embarrassing situations now that summer's here and those stupid carwash fund-raising types are out in force, jumping around and waving stuff, there've been some "False Alarms" but we've always managed to prevail so far.

Always Ready

While I'm glad that I don't see Styrofoam pellets used much anymore, the plastic air pillows have their own issues. Is there a better way to get rid of them besides stabbing them to death? Any other uses for them?

Since I live near the ocean, I like to throw them in and watch whales choke on them and die.
I got my popcorn ready :p

Being a Catholic, and one who adheres to the tenets of the church, it is difficult for me to offer this other solution, since it involves contraception.

many people I know open one end of the bag and use it for a condom. they especially like how snugly it fits. the key here is to open the correct end.
Yeahh, we've come a long way since the Irish invented the condom....... I believe they originally used the lower intestine of the sheep.....
And I think it may have been the English who improved upon this idea...........

They were the first to remove the intestine from the sheep.
WOW!!!! I wonder what website Stool is using to prove to people he's smarter than they are. Maybe I could go there and it would make more sense than this.
He'll be back. Then come on slowly but after a while cant resist the temptation to let the "stool sample" show thru
If you have any small businesses in the area gun related or not, offer them your stash.
Most shippers will love to have a no cost packaging supply.