Outdoor Match at Salem NY, 10/7. Maybe...


New member
Combo Benchrest/ Field Target Match at Salem NY, 10/7.

We have a match on the schedule at Salem this coming Sunday at 10am. I know it's a holiday weekend and most of the North East BR community will be shooting at Holbrook on Sat and attendance might be light, so I'm considering canceling or trying to reschedule the match if nobody can make it to Salem on Sunday. Please post here if you plan to attend, and I'll decide from there. I'm hoping we can shoot on Sunday, as we've held rimfire br matches here in late Oct. and conditions tend to be a bit difficult:eek:

UPDATE After talking it over with Rick, we've decided to try something new this weekend. We will shoot a 40 shot Field Target match AND a 3 target Benchrest match on Sunday. We'll begin the first match at 10am and determine which match to shoot first based on the shooters preferences. Unfortunately, this means we'll have to spend Sat. afternoon setting up the FT course and will have to miss the oh-so-enjoyable trek across MA on the Pike to shoot with our friends at Holbrook. We'll be there next month though!
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Todd, Rick,
Kathie and I are babysitting the grand kids Thur night-Monday night and was lucky to get away for the shoot on Sat.
No way could I make the shoot in Salem on Sunday.


Well, it being a Sunday there's no way I'll be there no matter where you put it. But you already knew that! Looking forward to shooting with you on Saturday though. Looking more and more like Holbrook will be a full-house. Maybe even 3 relays?

Hi All It wood be great to see some old and new faces at our combo match . I hope to have a duel cylinder on my 1720 by then , well have it for next week end FT shoot if not .