Other powders for the 6PPC??

I need to add something about that old 322 y'all have laying around. Keep a close check on that stuff to make sure it doesn't deteriorate. There have been some fires related to that stuff! I keep what I have near the back door so if it catches on fire none of us can get away.
Is 4198 the powder that's temperature sensitive...can't remember? I do remember having a load good enough to win at Wilmington, NC but as the day warmed up I couldn't drop the load fast enough to keep up and I think it was 4198 "short cut". If the temperature had remained the same I woulda run away with the win...but it didn't and I didn't. Didn't is the key word there I'm pretty sure.

It's a long way from here to Wilmington....twice as far to get home.
I need to add something about that old 322 y'all have laying around. Keep a close check on that stuff to make sure it doesn't deteriorate. There have been some fires related to that stuff! I keep what I have near the back door so if it catches on fire none of us can get away.

I heard that too Wilbur. Certain other surplus powders are purported to do the same. I still have two canisters of IMR 5010 for my BMG. Stuff dates back to the early 90's. They're still sealed however and as I understand it the oxidation / fires happened after being opened. But then again, seals go bad.

I need to add something about that old 322 y'all have laying around. Keep a close check on that stuff to make sure it doesn't deteriorate. There have been some fires related to that stuff! I keep what I have near the back door so if it catches on fire none of us can get away.

Does old powder really catch on fire? I have some h4831 Bruce Hohgdon shoveled out of train cars in about 1958 and some RL-11 from way back.

Are you thanking about real 322 Or the 8208 stuff?

I was always skeptical of the fire stories too Jerry. But there are sources that swear it has happened. I may put my chemistry degree to use and theorize the "how" and "why" of it.


All the chemical I had was Eng Chem 1, 2, 3, Organic and P Chem, but spontaneous combustion in our smokeless powders? I did have a can of IMR 3031 that got kind of funky, but did make that spot of lawn grass greener, but??

It does sound far fetched. Now I have had powders oxidize, emitting the brownish-red residue. The H5010 on the right illustrates this:


The guys that told the storys didn't have any reason to make it up....but...could have been anything. All I'm sayin' here is don't blame me when your house burns down.:)

If it doesn't smell right, properly dispose of it. You're not gonna shoot it anyway! I initially wrote "take it to the backyard and burn it" but thought a bit and changed that to "properly dispose of it".
As Wilbur stated, one had better watch the old GI 322. When it starts to deteriorate,..... well there have been many anecdotal instances of spontaneous combustion. The late Bucky Murdock had a bunch of it and I told him that he had better get rid of it because it had rusted everything around that was metal and had some orange powder. He agreed but did not throw it out. He later had a big fire and lost many guns and components. I know that there is no proof that the GI 322 caused the fire, but it is likely. Good shooting...James
Is 4198 the powder that's temperature sensitive...can't remember? I do remember having a load good enough to win at Wilmington, NC but as the day warmed up I couldn't drop the load fast enough to keep up and I think it was 4198 "short cut". If the temperature had remained the same I woulda run away with the win...but it didn't and I didn't. Didn't is the key word there I'm pretty sure.

It's a long way from here to Wilmington....twice as far to get home.

Wilber - I don't know if the IMR 4198 is temperature sensitive or not. Since it is a older powder, it may well be. I hope someone in the know will enlighten me/us about it's sensitivity. I really like the way it shoots in my 14 twist Shilen. Since we are on the edge of spring and summer temperatures, someone let us know about it changing.


27-T (Jim)