OT-My hunting season has been ruined

Butch Lambert

Active member
A lot of you from Arkansas and Texas shot with my Grandson year before last. He is my hunting and fishing Buddy. Josh is now a soph. in high school and played JV football. He was called up to the varsity after having a very good JV season. Because of kicking problems with the senior kicker, Josh took his job. He made all 4 of his extra point kicks and his only field goal. He has grown to 5"11" and 165lbs. He plays for the big school division 5A Garland Owls and their next game will be Sat. in Corsicana, Tx.

Josh will go to the Kohls Kicking Finals in Orlando in December and the Chris Sailer kicking finals in Las Vegas in January. Now you can see where I am on the weekends instead of out in deer camp, but I wouldn't trade it for the World.
All of us are proud of our children and grandchildren. I have been blessed to have one that loves to visit with you old farts at the matches and enjoys being with his Papaw.
I remember that score shoot in Terrell when Josh beat us all. I wish him the best.
Enjoy every second with him Butch. My Grandson, Adam, our first Grandchild died this past July. Most painful thing I've ever had to go through in my lifetime. God Bless your young man, I wish him well.
Butch, we have all spent a lot of time deer hunting in our lives however, grandkids are just so special. Mine just turned 5 Nov 16, I'm hoping to have the kind of bond you an Francis have with yours when they turn "shooting age". And by the way, Eric beats me 9 out of 10 times! Look at the bright side Butch, you don't have to get up early in the morning or spend all day cutting up a deer. Spend the money watching your grandson.

your good friend,
Jeff Aberegg
it would appear that some of the benchrest carried over to football.
benchrest football through the uprights! i hope he returns to his roots.

Butch, you have that all wrong. Josh is about 5' 1", weighs about 110 pounds, and is about 13 years old.

At least, that is the way I remember him.:D

I try to spend as much time with my two Grandaughters as possible, they are 8 and 7 years. I know it short time they will not want to be seen with "Grandad", who, at this time, they think hung the moon.

This Saturday, I am going to see a play with my Abi and Katy, It's a Kid's production sponsored by Theater under the Stars. For an old "Hot Rodder" like me, (and you), it might seem a little far fetched, but Grandkids tend to change attitudes about a lot of things.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be into this Grandad thing the way I am, I would have said "no way"............jackie
My oldest Son takes his 11 yr. old Daughter on dates. They go to the tea room and then to the ballet. Jackie, the little girls won't leave you as soon as the young guys do. Fortunately Josh hasn't been that way yet. His present girlfriend does like to fish and he brings her to the house so they can fish.

Send him to the Baltimore Ravens we sure need a good kicker. Sent the best kicker we ever had to the Colts Dah, who beat us last sunday. Louie
Hey Louie,
Got upset last week. Josh did make both of his extra points and only field goal try. His brother is going hunting with us tomorrow morning. We will spend the weekend together with my Brother and his son. We are really looking forward to it. Josh wants a deer just a little larger than the one Mike Bryant's Son shot yesterday. His Josh shot what could make the Pope and Young.
Grand Son

Until I had a GRAND SON I didn't quite understand all of the bumper stickers that said "Ask me about my grand children".

But now I do.
Both Josh and Jared went with me. When I went to the blind Friday evening 100 cows were under the feeder waiting on it to go off. Sat. morning and when it got light the same 100 cows were sleeping under the feeder. I'm pretty sure what will be on my game camera. Sat. evening the people on the adjacent property had about 25 young kids over and with all the shouting and 4 wheelers racing around, I just went back to camp.
We did eat well and had a good time otherwise. My uncle and cousin came by Sat. night and ate with us. Uncle Bill called coyotes right into camp. My youngest Grandson decided to sleep in the trailer after that.