Opinions Please on Rests


New member
I'm looking for a new rest. Front or 1 pc. for airgun BR. I like to know if some members would share opinions on the Front versus 1pc. and of the different Front rest i.e. Farley, JJ, Seb, Fulghum, Pappas etc. why do you prefer one over the others, also the 1pc? Thanks in advance I can use all the help I can get!
I cannot comment on the others as I have never used them

I use a JJ and can tell you will not go wrong wiyh this rest
The build quality is fantastic

The rests you have selected are all good and have used them. One piece rests are easier to setup, but they take more room up if you plan on traveling a lot. The joystick rests most likely won't cover the whole target in the horizontal plane at 25m especially if you plan on shooting the 25m target.

One piece rests at present time aren't allowed in the sub 20fpe classes. Something to think about if you plan on participating in structured matches. The scores between both setups are on par with each other, the one piece is just faster to setup. For myself I really like the controls operational without having to move my hand to reach for different locations of the adjustment knobs. If I was just shooting groups it wouldn't be a problem with any you have mentioned.

The Fulghum front pedestal can be moved up, down and across as fast as a one piece without having to move your elbow and hand, having tendinitis in the left elbow doesn't help.

With one piece rests it's a preference, some don't like the controls in the back and are more comfortable with the controls being in a more neutral position. I also prefer a lower center of gravity.

There are pluses and minuses in each of the rests, not knocking any of them, they are all well made and serve their intended purpose.

My primary rests for BR are the Fulghum front pedestal and the Pappas one piece.

Thanks, Yeti, Joe, Best Rear Bags?

:confused:What rear bag(s)and what height seem to work best with the front rest. I'll be shooting mostly 25M
The rests you have selected are all good and have used them. One piece rests are easier to setup, but they take more room up if you plan on traveling a lot. The joystick rests most likely won't cover the whole target in the horizontal plane at 25m especially if you plan on shooting the 25m target.

One piece rests at present time aren't allowed in the sub 20fpe classes. Something to think about if you plan on participating in structured matches. The scores between both setups are on par with each other, the one piece is just faster to setup. For myself I really like the controls operational without having to move my hand to reach for different locations of the adjustment knobs. If I was just shooting groups it wouldn't be a problem with any you have mentioned.

The Fulghum front pedestal can be moved up, down and across as fast as a one piece without having to move your elbow and hand, having tendinitis in the left elbow doesn't help.

With one piece rests it's a preference, some don't like the controls in the back and are more comfortable with the controls being in a more neutral position. I also prefer a lower center of gravity.

There are pluses and minuses in each of the rests, not knocking any of them, they are all well made and serve their intended purpose.

My primary rests for BR are the Fulghum front pedestal and the Pappas one piece.


The Deluxe Protektor bags with the Mid-Ear double stitch are the least expensive, their stable and will do the job. I use the SEB rear bag the ears are 2" tall with more of a level mid section. I also have 6-1/4" hard rubber spacers that can be used to get the right height under the rear bag depending on the rear stock design and range layout. EdgeWood bags will be the most expensive and are very well made. The cheaper end bags have the tendency to stretch in width. I prefer rear bags with a flat bottom, Cordura ears with stiffer sides.

Where you normally have your rifle positoned in the rear bag, especially with a varmint style sock will give you an idea of the height that will get you close. Both the JJ and Fulghum rest at their lowest settings are 6 1/4" in height to the top of bag, that's without using any foot pads but enough to have the base sitting slightly off the bench.

Thanks again Joe, If you don't mind what top do you use on the Fulghum, bag or adjustable and what spacing on the SEB rear bag 3/8 or 1/2" choices choices don't you know?

I have both a SEB and The Fulgrum rests. The SEB does not rise as tall as the Fulgrum will. The SEB does have more horz range than the Fulgrum. With the seb I can cover the width of the 50yrd .22 target although not the sighters. The Fulgrum does not. I have not been able to use the SEB for air as yet as I need more height, Just have not had time to make spacers to raise it the rather than cranking the legs way down there is close to 2" of travel on the legs so this really not a big deal, just my equipment between .22 and air causing the elevation problem. between the two the seb is a bit smoother than the older Fulgrum I have ( has up dates). I need to reset the tension on the Fulgrum.
Thanks again Joe, If you don't mind what top do you use on the Fulghum, bag or adjustable and what spacing on the SEB rear bag 3/8 or 1/2" choices choices don't you know?



The SEB bag is 1/2 spread between ears. The Fulghum top is his adjustable, also have the 3" bag top for it. Since my equipment is loaned out often the adjustable top gets the most use. The stocks that are used on my air rifles are BR stocks and custom made where the Keel ( bottom) is 3/4" wide. They ride 3/4 of the rear ears, not to the bottom of stitching, although there isn't really any recoil with air rifles, my rear bags are also used for other disciplines where there is recoil.

If you are strictly using a varmint style stock with a thin taper bottom the V shaped ear bags may be more suited to your needs.

Thanks again Joe. I'm building a BR stock and I'm waiting on the rear bag now, SEB makes a 3/8 and 1/2" which is what I purchased. I was wondering what the keel bottom flat width was and if it rode there or on the ears more as you've stated. So as soon as I receive the bag and fill it ( is there a grade of the Black Beauty blast media that works better than the others? ) I'll cut the keel to ride the ears as you stated. This ready sharing of information shows what a class gent(s) you and the others here on the Forum are! As a novice this is a big help in getting a jump start.

Thanks again Joe. I'm building a BR stock and I'm waiting on the rear bag now, SEB makes a 3/8 and 1/2" which is what I purchased. I was wondering what the keel bottom flat width was and if it rode there or on the ears more as you've stated. So as soon as I receive the bag and fill it ( is there a grade of the Black Beauty blast media that works better than the others? ) I'll cut the keel to ride the ears as you stated. This ready sharing of information shows what a class gent(s) you and the others here on the Forum are! As a novice this is a big help in getting a jump start.

I use fine and medium blasting media around 60-40 mixed together. Can't remember the company name but similar to Black Beauty. I use the Sinclair filling tube, so it takes more patience to fill using the 2 combined, a modified tube, slightly larger ID would have been a plus. Have fun and wish you the best.
