Open Grove 7-13-14 Results

We had 11 competitors and welcomed 2 new shooters Danny and Corey Walker. It was a beautiful day and a challenging day for the competitors. Just one of those days where the flags couldn't keep up with the amount of switch.

It was a 2 match event, below are the results.

Match 1:
USA Production Class:
1) Danny Walker, 217, 200-1x, 188, == 605-1x

2) Corey Walker, 175, 159, 169, == 503

LV Class:
1) Doug Miller, 244-5x, 243-5x, 248-10x, == 735-20x

2) Vipha Miller, 243-6x, 244-6x, 241-5x, == 728-17x

3) Matt Lababedy, 243-3x, 237-6x, 238-4x, ==718-13x

4) Linzie Boise, 239-8x, 240-5x, 225-4x, == 704-17x

5) Christopher Todd, 143-2x, 226-3x, 220, == 589-5x

HV Class:
1) Tim McMurray, 231-3x, 230-2x, 233-2x, == 694-7x

2) Tom Anderson, 196, 207-1x, 218-2x, == 621-3x

USA Open Class:
1) Bill Tremel, 238-7x, 243-5x, 247-8x, == 728-20x

Match 2 Results:

USA Production Class:
1) Danny Walker, 195, 183, 188, == 566

2) Corey Walker, 143, 172, 168, == 483

LV Class:
1) Doug Miller, 239-7x, 241-4x, 243-4x, == 723-15x

2) Vipha Miller, 234-4x, 240-5x, 243-6x, == 717-15x

3) Tim McMurray, 236-2x, 234-3x, 244-6x, == 714-11x

4) Christopher Todd, 223-3x, 206, 231-2x, == 660-5x

5) Abdul Lababedy, 219-2x, 210-4x, 218-1x, == 647-7x

HV Class:
1) Linzie Boise, 247-8x, 243-5x, 244-4x, == 732-17x

2) Matt Lababedy, 241-4x, 237-2x, 242-9x, == 720-15x

3) Tom Anderson, 216-2x, 217-3x, 199, == 632-5x

USA Open Class:
1) Bill Tremel, 244-8x, 246-15x, 240-8x, == 730-31x

Thanks for all the help and your support. Next match will be August 10th start time 8:30am.

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Way to go Doug!!!! Did you ever get things worked out for that BM1000 action to be used with the stock you won? Or was that what you were using?

And yea, those South African boys sure do keep the rest of us in line.

Great shooting by all.

Dave Shattuck