Open class RAW BM500


Has anyone tried 16gr beasts out of a stock BM (poly)set up for 13.4’s? any help would be appreciated, fps,etc. this would be for 25yd Thanks, Joe
25 yards OK

I've shot them out of my TM and BM with poly barrels. Can't shoot them very fast and still stay under the 20fpe limit for HV class. They do fine at 25 yards. Just don't try 50! They're too slow and destabilize.

I haven't done as much pellet testing with them as I've done with the monsters. So, no magic lot, but they do perform quite well. I think if I could find a very good lot, they would perform as well as, or even better than the monsters outside in the wind. Inside, I think the monsters still have an edge.

Take Two

I didn't see that you were asking about open class.

I don't think the stock BM and TM are going to give you enough power to take advantage of open class. The hammer spring all the way in will give about 50-55fps increase with the monsters, taking them up to about 830 - 835 on my rifle, which is only about 21fpe. The beasts will be about 70fps slower. Of course, if you upped the regulator, that would make a difference. But you were talking stock.

Don't forget

Don't forget that many good HV setups will outshoot open class power guns (at least at 25M).

So if everyone else is shooting HV you can shoot your HV in open class for a guaranteed win ;)
What I really should’ve said was, has anyone upped the reg. And , increased hammer spring but still use all original components? And had any success doing this w/ 16.2’s or is it even worth it? even @ 50yds? I’m just thinking out loud..., but thanks for the input.
Worth A Try

I think it would be worth a try. If you can get the muzzle speed up to 830fps or higher, they should stay stable out to 50 yards. Might be a better bet than shooting the 18gr .22 pellets for 50 yard open class.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes.

Martin recommended to use a larger transfer port
and i got a new thimble from him with one
then the next thing is to find a good beast
and that has been an ongoing hunt :D
Ah!,ok, good info, I wondered about finding good lots of Beast’s! didn’t think about Transfer port!, makes sense though! I kind of wanted to share with you guys “MY THOUGHT’s” I figure it won’t be long and JSB will come out with “Redesigned” beast’s if there is the intrest? Now with Ken hicks shooting a record @ 50yds in.177! Gets me thinking? I have one poly barrel that will shoot the RD 13.4’s( I think, still sorting it all out ) but you have to shoot them around 830-40fps now they won’t work fo HV! Soooo... just thinking out loud!