Open Carry Texas, January 1,2016

Looks like they're catching up with Iowa. In the last 5 years around here, since the carry law changed, I've only seen one guy carrying open, the rest are wiser. Your restrictions are tougher than ours also. That was a surprise. Our carry law has been a success here.

Good luck.
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Pa. has had open carry for as long as I can remember. You rarely see it. I don't think it is for most. Myself...I think it depends on your training and maybe your personal presentation. I am large and pretty much look like a walking No Trespassing sign. Open carry is natural for me from doing it for so long on the job. But still i rarely do it.....I AM happy for Texas. It's nice to have the option to carry a more combat ready set up should you feel the need. You guys don't have the weather to hide full size pieces under your coat many months of the year....:cool:
NC is open carry. But each Township and city have their own ordinances.
Were Texans not allowed to open carry out in the counties ?
Do the cities and towns in TX not have their own ordinances?
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Same in Maine

Pa. has had open carry for as long as I can remember. You rarely see it. I don't think it is for most. Myself...I think it depends on your training and maybe your personal presentation. I am large and pretty much look like a walking No Trespassing sign. Open carry is natural for me from doing it for so long on the job. But still i rarely do it.....I AM happy for Texas. It's nice to have the option to carry a more combat ready set up should you feel the need. You guys don't have the weather to hide full size pieces under your coat many months of the year....:cool:

with the open carry thing. Its been concealed carry that has been highly regulated until a court case 20 or so years ago ordered police to issue a cc permit unless there was a reason not to. Our last legislative session passed a bill establishing the right to carry concealed unless there is a legal reason not to, without a permit. You can still get a permit and if you do any reciprocity with other states applies, not so if you do not have a permit.

The state's liberal rag newspapers, which is most of them, predicted chaos. Well they were wrong again. No blood in the streets, no issues...none. :eek:
NC is open carry. But each Township and city have their own ordinances.
Were Texans not allowed to open carry out in the counties ?
Do the cities and towns in TX not have their own ordinances?

One of the purposes of the new State Laws in Texas are to clarify many of these issues.

City and County Law cannot supersede State Law. The State has issued a list of the places where a person is prohibited from carrying, either concealed or open.

The gray area was in the private realm. The State now defines exactly the requirements that a private business, (restaurants, hotels, etc), to inform citizens of their desire not to have firearms in their establishment.

Basically, the business or other private entity must display a very specific sign, in very specific size and writing, that says, in affect, "no weapons allow". This sign is commonly called a 30.06 sign, stemming from the State regulation that requires it.

The important thing is the decriminalize of most "mistakes" made by those who are carrying. In past, (I can personally attest to this), the penalties could be quite severe for a person with a CHL to "accidentally" have the weapon exposed. The State has adopted, through Law, a more common sense approach now.

For instance, if a person does enter a place of business with a improperly displayed 30.06 sign, with a weapon, a simple request to leave can be sufficient to remedy the situation, as the person carrying has not violated any Law.

However, if a business or other private entity DOES have a properly formatted 30.06 sign, a person can be charged with a Class A Misdomeanor if he or she does enter that place armed. In Texas, a Class A Misomeanor is a very serious charge.

Here is a good link on explaining the 30.06 Statute.
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Ok, I see the purpose now. In NC the state law allows for local townships to put in place ordinances regarding the display of firearms in public. There is debate overy the word display
From another perspective

The only way I would open carry in Texas without a uniform and badge, Bullet Proof Vest Or some kind of visible identification ,is ,if every Police Officer on the Force, or armed Security guard knew who I was ,on sight.

Its just not worth a misidentification. A “Man with a Gun” dispatch is a scary thing to Law Enforcement.. They go into survival mode. I know because I’ve been there.

Texas has every Gun Carry permit you can think of. Plus the legal defense statues to protect you if you have to use deadly force.

I hope everything goes well with this new addition. I’m sticking with my CCW and hope I never have to use it.

Glenn, you make a very good point. The State of Texas has put into Law actual protections for those who are in compliance with State Laws regulating the carrying of firearms.

Cities, Counties, and Private Entities have to know these laws, and must recognize, and obey, the State Laws

However, I believe that Gun Owners should always be cognizant of the fact that Firearms are serious and do make many others uncomfortable. and should always use not only a legal, but common sense approach when deciding to carry a firearm.

These guys who insist on wielding a weapon in a public place simply to make a point are really doing more harm than good if their point is to express their right to do so under our Constitution.
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Glenn, you make a very good point. The State of Texas has put into Law actual protections for those who are in compliance with State Laws regulating the carrying of firearms.

Cities, Counties, and Private Entities have to know these laws, and must recognize, and obey, the State Laws

However, I believe that Gun Owners should always be cognizant of the fact that Firearms are serious and do make many others uncomfortable. and should always use not only a legal, but common sense approach when deciding to carry a firearm.

These guys who insist on wielding a weapon in a public place simply to make a point are really doing more harm than good if their point is to express their right to do so under our Constitution.

EXACTLY.....Interpretation of the new Law will be left to the Courts. Unfortunately it may take a few mistakes to resolve any gray areas.

There has to be two signs now to prohibit carrying a firearm in a business that doesn't want them. The 30.06 sign is to prohibit concealed carry. 30.07 to prohibit open carry. I thought what happened to you, Jackie, was a crock that shouldn't have ever happened. Ridiculous to be filling up at a gas station and a spectator see a pistol that had slid out from under the seat and report it to the police. If that had happened in any place other than Houston, the police would have told her to mind her own business.
There has to be two signs now to prohibit carrying a firearm in a business that doesn't want them. The 30.06 sign is to prohibit concealed carry. 30.07 to prohibit open carry. I thought what happened to you, Jackie, was a crock that shouldn't have ever happened. Ridiculous to be filling up at a gas station and a spectator see a pistol that had slid out from under the seat and report it to the police. If that had happened in any place other than Houston, the police would have told her to mind her own business.

Mike, that was in early 1998, (hard to believe it's been that long ago), and CHL was in it's infancy. They were being VERY strict on anyone who violated the CHL Statutes, even by accident.

And as you said, it was Houston. But that sort of thing would never happen now, In fact, the new laws in Texas are meant to keep this very type of thing from happening.

I still wonder who has that little 38 S&W that they confiscated. I darned sure didn't get it back.
Our local police forces have had seminars about not overly harassing open carrying citizens. It seems that there was an organized hand full of citizens carrying open around the state looking for " over reaching " police officers in order to sue their respective towns. Sounds a little nuts but i assure you its 100%. Should be interesting ( to say the least ) to see what POTUS does with his " Executive Pen" in his quest of.....Death Of 1000 Cuts.....of the shooting industry.
I still wonder who has that little 38 S&W that they confiscated. I darned sure didn't get it back.

if it was confiscated because you didn't have a license,you will never get it back. If they gave you a receipt when they took it,you can,at some point,reclaim it. They are suppose to destroy the one's they keep. It's been a while but that's how I remember the handling of seized property.

Sometimes trouble finds you no matter how well you plan.

I understand your point. However, there are places more prone to trouble than others. When trouble comes, I would rather have a weapon that trouble cannot see than be the first one shot.

One other point, I have never found the need to protect myself with a firearm in civilian life. That is only in my first 75 years. As far as I know, neither did my father or my two grandfathers. Total that comes to about 290 years and that is only the men in my family.

Concho Bill