I have about 20 assorted cans and plastic containers of unopened reloading powder that I bought in the late 80's and early 90's and have had in my possession since then. It has lived on the Southern California coast, the N.E. Georgia mountains, Sarasota, FL for 12 years, and now in northern Ohio for the last 2 years. It has been stored in large sealed GI cans but it has been through some climate changes. It has always been stored in a garage on a shelf not climate controlled. It has be hot and cold at different times. I opened a can of IMR 4895 today and there wasn't any of the normal odor that is noticed when you open a fresh can. My question to you reloaders that have more experience with older powder than I is it safe to use this stuff or should I dump it? I don't want to hurt myself or damage one of my rifles. Your opinion would be appreciated. Thank you, Richard Ramsey, North Ridgeville, Ohio