OK....some say that they will fight.....

This is closely related to the overall discussion but does not directly refer to any of the posts. However, I found it interesting and informative to go back and do a bit of reading about what our Founding Fathers really thought about firearms and their possession by "the people".

For those interested, I refer you to these two sites. The first is by Thomas Jefferson. The second has various quotes, many by others who also risked everything to create what we have today.


I especially like the quote by George Washington:
"Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence ... From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good" (George Washington)

I remind myself pretty often of the statement by someone (I don't know who) -- "The Second Amendment is the one that assures we can keep all the others."

Join the NRA if you're not a member. Contribute or upgrade your membership if you're already a member. PLEASE!

Glen Oakes
and fourth (but not least), I don't like the fact that WLP is paid over $1 million/yr.

Do you go to the movies? It's a fact that many of the actors playing characters in the generally-putrid "films" Hollywood is excreting these days are very-much anti-gun. Despite their roles often featuring hyper-violent, ridiculously-excessive, and totally-unrealistic gunplay. These actors are pathetic hypocrites. And yet the top stars make $10M to $20M per MOVIE, or more.

Wayne LaPierre is at the top of his profession, working for a big organization, the likes of which if it were the private sector would easily pay him more than he makes at the NRA, whatever that might be.

Resenting people for what they EARN is the sign of a weak mind. Do I resent that Dave Thomas started Wendy's and built it into a business that resulted in him having net worth of more than 500 million dollars? Hell no. Dave Thomas worked hard, and was a prince of a man, and championed the cause of adoption, and his legacy lives on, and it just so happens that my wife is out tonight so I stopped by Wendy's. Last of the big spenders, yep, that's me. WLP (as you called him) works hard, and champions a cause that enables AMERICA to continue to exist in some semblance of the land of the free and the home of the brave that the Founding Fathers envisioned.
"Resenting people for what they EARN is the sign of a weak mind."

Did you "personalize" your response for a particular reason?
Have you checked out how much Nick Saban at Alabama makes a year. It is 5.4 million plus a year.

I think many of the college presidents should be ashamed of themselves for having let football and basketball programs become so out-of-touch with the mission of the institutions.

1. Do you go to the movies? ... 2. Wayne LaPierre is at the top of his profession, working for a big organization, the likes of which if it were the private sector would easily pay him more than he makes at the NRA.

1. Only Clint Eastwood movies, and only some of those.

2. I think many CEOs are overpaid; furthermore, I supsect the NRA is in the "private sector."

BTW, at this stage, if I were to join the NRA would that make me a liar?
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Don't think that alone would constitute hypocrite.

A rider on the coat tails of the many who do, though.. Ante up and help preserve the second amendment and the RIGHT it guarantees. It's the correct thing to do.
1. I believe the 2d Amendment and the Supremes have that covered, for now (and I don't believe the NRA will have any effect on who will be the next Supreme).

2. I don't have such a fear; however, I have been misinformed before.

3. I've not spent any time following the OWS movement; however, I doubt that I'm one of them.

4. Although I've never done so, I'm probably capable of doing so, if that's what I wanted to do.

5. I don't believe that.

6. I don't believe that, either.

7. I don't believe that, either.

RE your #1 & 2: So how did McCain-Feingold and Obamacare work out for you?
At the risk of being "flamed" and ostracized, I'll admit that I'm not a member, and I don't intend to become one. Why? Several reasons. First, I don't buy into the bolded portion of the above quote; second, I think the NRA uses scare tactics to "lather-up" its members and prospects; third, I think it goes overboard on some of its statements; and fourth (but not least), I don't like the fact that WLP is paid over $1 million/yr.

I learned a long time ago that in every company that goes through basic there is one ahole that is always out of step. This always caused a lot of grief for the other 79. You mister our out of step. Later! Frank
Looks as if "aka hunter" is only rationalizing his reasons to not be a member of the organization that will support him. There always are those that are similar to the horse being led to water. Also similar to the folks who refuse to vote and then B**** about the outcome.
No doubt I'm a little slow sometimes. What does that sentence mean? I don't get it.

Hint :D

From the "Roll tide!!!" thread:
Nick Saban...he's still a lying...A great coach, but a ... liar.

From post 10 above:
At the risk of being "flamed" and ostracized, I'll admit that I'm not a member, and I don't intend to become one.
I just cut a check to the NRA/ILA for the amount of what you membership would have cost. So now your membership and your discussion here is a moot point.:D:D
I just cut a check to the NRA/ILA for the amount of what you membership would have cost. So now your membership and your discussion here is a moot point.:D:D

That's fine, I just hope you didn't sign me up as a member. BTW, why are my comments a "moot point"?
That's fine, I just hope you didn't sign me up as a member. BTW, why are my comments a "moot point"?

If that is beyond your comprehension theres little I can help your understanding with. The old adage "you just don't get it" holds true here.
Though I too am a NRA member, at least for now, and believe we need them to continue to represent us, giving them credit for things they in FACT have NOT accomplished is just plain wrong. The NRA did NOT represent Heller. He was represented by Robert Levy of the CATO institute, Alan Gura for the firm Gura & Possessky, and Clark Neily. The NRA would not touch this case due damaging their reputation in the event of a loss. They take on only what they believe is winnable. Another item that is completely false is the so called "quotes" from Jefferson. They have been debunked on numerous occasions. A visit to the Jefferson website would shock those who believe otherwise. aka Hunter has as much a right to choose not to be a NRA member as do those who choose not to be union members, or members of any organization.
aka Hunter has as much a right to choose not to be a NRA member as do those who choose not to be union members...

Maybe more so, since the NRA can't collect anything from him just because he owns a firearm...

Imagine living in a "Right To Shoot" state...
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No flames from me. It's your choice.

aka Hunter...get over your obvious preconceived notions or uninformed polittical biases and hire someone to fight your battle!

You sir are what is fundamentally wrong with this country.

aka hunter you need to talk to people with a little more common sense than what you have.

IF you own firearms and don,t belong to a orginzation that supports your Second Amendment Rights you are plain and simple a HIPOCRIT.

Ante up and help preserve the second amendment and the RIGHT it guarantees. It's the correct thing to do.

You mister our out of step.

I just cut a check to the NRA/ILA for the amount of what you membership would have cost. So now your...discussion here is a moot point.

aka Hunter has as much a right to choose not to be a NRA member as do those who choose not to be union members, or members of any organization.

At least two voices of reason can be found in the wilderness.
A Son Of Levi once told me "it's better to do the right thing for the wrong reasons than to do the wrong thing for the right reasons."

In this we agreed

Its possible some of the quotes attributed to Jefferson are erroneous.
Its also possible modern intellects are rewriting history.