OK....some say that they will fight.....


New member
to preserve their 2nd Amendment rights. As Charlton Heston said "from my cold dead hands".

But, how many of you have EVEN joined NRA ??? I knew many years ago that I would ALWAYS support NRA and as the bargain of a lifetime I became a life member. It wasn't easy as I was raising 3 children and buying a house, etc. I paid $25.00 quarterly for life membership....I think it was $125.00 total. I will send ILA a check tomorrow.

Money talks, but.........

Hmmm, a long time ago, 41 years ago....yes 41 years. I recently went Endowment membership, because I felt a bit guilty about my BARGAIN 41 years ago.....1971,
There are a bunch of you on this WEB site who haver bothered to join.
Now, if this won't get you off your butt, then what will ?

DO IT NOW, "Snuffy"
I say add a couple or few dollars to our entry fee's per match and donate that to the NRA.

I also feel in order to shoot registered match's you must be an NRA Member.

Membership is needed NOW so PLEASE JOIN TODAY!!!!
to preserve their 2nd Amendment rights. As Charlton Heston said "from my cold dead hands".

But, how many of you have EVEN joined NRA ??? I knew many years ago that I would ALWAYS support NRA and as the bargain of a lifetime I became a life member. It wasn't easy as I was raising 3 children and buying a house, etc. I paid $25.00 quarterly for life membership....I think it was $125.00 total. I will send ILA a check tomorrow.

DO IT NOW, "Snuffy"

Hey Snuffy, we got you back to posting, now, if we can get you back to shooting! (Then we can go back to Eastman and get more of that good country ham)

I have a different method on my NRA membership. I have been a continuous member since 1958, but I have remained an annual member. Why? Had I become a life member, I think at that time it was about $100 (??), that money would have already been spent by them. Instead, I send my membership in annually. That helps them keep a steadier income.

As Russell states, send in additional donations if you can, support the NRA/ILA, I do that too.

Guys and gals.the NRA is our only best hope. There are some other pro-gun organizations out there but I don't see them making major moves to support the US Constitution and its 2nd Amendment.
people think this is a fight to keep assault rifles.. it's not... it's a fight to keep and bare arms.

"Bare" as in roll up your sleeves? Then bear, as in the the way it's written in the Constitution. :D As to the NRA, they've been fighting the good fight for DECADES. Every shooter should join a pro-2nd Amendment group. OTOH, amazingly IMO, there are quite a few shooters who vote for the political lefties. I shun these schmucks, because they are part of the problem. A top level long range BR competitor I know got all starry-eyed over how "presidential" the Kenyan was after the CT murders. Apparently said shooter thinks that BR rifles won't be linked to the evil that firearms represent. Like that moron Zumbo a few years ago.
I too upped my NRA membership to Endowment level.

Also, look at your state rifle associations and be a member there as well. They work just as hard to make sure the individual members are aware of any state level legislation that may need to be addressed.

I too am an N.R.A. Endowment Life Member! And we all have support the NRA. Because without them we would have been without guns years ago.

Joe Salt
But, how many of you have EVEN joined NRA ???

And we all have support the NRA. Because without them we would have been without guns years ago. (emphasis added)

At the risk of being "flamed" and ostracized, I'll admit that I'm not a member, and I don't intend to become one. Why? Several reasons. First, I don't buy into the bolded portion of the above quote; second, I think the NRA uses scare tactics to "lather-up" its members and prospects; third, I think it goes overboard on some of its statements; and fourth (but not least), I don't like the fact that WLP is paid over $1 million/yr.
At the risk of being "flamed"...
No flames from me. It's your choice. I could, for example, go on for quite a while listing things the NRA has screwed up in the past, some of them mistakes, some sellouts, and sometimes even a lack of integrity. For all their warts, however, they are the only effective gun lobby. For that reason, warts and all, I've been a life member for a long time and I have an ad from the NRA on my desk at this moment asking me to upgrade to "Patron" status (whatever that means; I can't keep the levels and their perks straight in my head) and I'm going to do it.
aka Hunter
Would you please explain, to me who you think is fighting for your right to keep your firearms in D.C? For The last few years there are a number of new organizations like the Second amendment Foundation and a couple of others but they do not have a large number of Lobbyist. For 30 + years the NRA was the only organization that fought to keep the second amendment from being gutted. They are also the people that provided attorneys for the Heller case that overturned the DC gun ban and put other cities like chicago in the crosshairs for suits on their ban on gun and ammunition sales. If you don't fear loosing your right to own a firearm at this moment in time then you are either misinformed or totally close minded! The NRA is a very large organization and as such requires a ceo much like any large corporation and ceo's get paid, I am at a loss as to why you feel Mr. La Pierre doesn.t deserve the pay he gets, are you one of those occupy wall street people that is pissed off because of your own lack of success in life, so jealeously has kicked into high gear? Are you a person thats capable of manageing and preparing a 3-5 millon dollar budget and keeping the 100 plus lobbyist's pointed in the right direction, and organizing staff and testifying or leading a supreme court brief! If the answers to those questions is no then thats why Mr Lapierre gets paid! Your statements about them lathering up the troops is sometimes a very real necessity. Like right now if they were not calling everyone trying to muster support and they just said well I think we are going to have to give them their assault weapon ban! The next thing the POTUS would want are all your other guns. If you havn't realized at this point that the only thing that the liberals want done is the removal of all firearms in this country, then you are a sadly mis-informed , politically un educated person and you should probably take your firearms down to the local police department and turn them in! This fight is the biggest fight for firearms owners in history and the President you probably voted for is leading the charge and totally prepared to usurp the Constitution and the Second amendment so either get your butt in the fight or give up your guns! Those are your choices, choose wisely and remember the only prople fighting for your rights is the NRA not your Congessmen and not your Senators, so get over your obvious preconceived notions or uninformed polittical biases and hire someone to fight your battle!
aka Hunter
1. Would you please explain, to me who you think is fighting for your right to keep your firearms in D.C? ... 2. If you don't fear loosing your right to own a firearm at this moment in time then you are either misinformed or totally close minded! ... 3. are you one of those occupy wall street people that is pissed off because of your own lack of success in life, so jealeously has kicked into high gear? 4. Are you a person thats capable of manageing and preparing a 3-5 millon dollar budget and keeping the 100 plus lobbyist's pointed in the right direction, and organizing staff and testifying or leading a supreme court brief! ... 5. if ... they just said well I think we are going to have to give them their assault weapon ban! The next thing the POTUS would want are all your other guns. 6. If you havn't realized at this point that the only thing that the liberals want done is the removal of all firearms in this country, ... 7. remember the only prople fighting for your rights is the NRA not your Congessmen and not your Senators.

1. I believe the 2d Amendment and the Supremes have that covered, for now (and I don't believe the NRA will have any effect on who will be the next Supreme).

2. I don't have such a fear; however, I have been misinformed before.

3. I've not spent any time following the OWS movement; however, I doubt that I'm one of them.

4. Although I've never done so, I'm probably capable of doing so, if that's what I wanted to do.

5. I don't believe that.

6. I don't believe that, either.

7. I don't believe that, either.
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Ok so then we can safely conclude that your an Ostrich that chooses to put his head in the sand and ignore the fact that there's a problem. Sounds like a reasonable and rational plan to me! You sir are what is fundamentally wrong with this country, I can only say those of you that fail to get into the fight will be crying the loudest when your rights no longer exist!
Your entitled to your opinion, and I have the same right ,but when they are done taking out the second amendment then they will start on the First amendment.
Also for those of you that did't see this in the news a New York Congressman or Senator just introduced a Bill to Change the 22nd Amendment which would change the Presidents 2 term maximun to serve as long as he/she is reelected! I'm bettin your ok with that too!
I seriously doubt your an active participant in benchrest shooting, and if you do shoot benchrest competitively then you are certainly not the typical gun owner I would ever choose to be around! I served my country for 22 years and have great repect and admiration for all of our rights, but I can honsetly say if I had to serve under our current Commander & Cheif I would not have stayed in the military, he's a disgrace to this country, and he is waging war on its very foundation. I wish you luck and hope you get to keep your firearms, knowing that when the fight is done this time you decided not to help!
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I have been an NRA member since 1963. In 1971 I became a Life Member, and in 1997 I upgraded to Endowment. I still send $100.00-200.00 a year to try to help. I also have the Patron paper work sitting here, just can't make up my mind if I want to upgrade to Patron.
Steelhead1 Beautifully said. aka hunter you need to talk to people with a little more common sense than what you have, I think you would just stand by and let them take everything you have worked so hard to protect. Remember History repeats itself, think about how Hitler and Stalin did it! Don't trust these guy, all they want is control.

Joe Salt
At the risk of being "flamed" and ostracized, I'll admit that I'm not a member, and I don't intend to become one. Why? Several reasons. First, I don't buy into the bolded portion of the above quote; second, I think the NRA uses scare tactics to "lather-up" its members and prospects; third, I think it goes overboard on some of its statements; and fourth (but not least), I don't like the fact that WLP is paid over $1 million/yr.

fifth, and just my guess, is that maybe you're a cheapskate? As to tactics to encourage membership, compare the NRA to the media and the lefty politicians. One must fight fire with fire. Cool reasoning and logic doesn't work when your opponents are deranged. And liberalism really is a mental disorder. Proven failure, and the crazies want more of it. Is the NRA perfect? Hardly. Are they the strongest ally in the fight to preserve the 2nd Amendment? Almost for sure. Do you have the right to not support the NRA? Sure. But do you (financially) support any pro-2nd Amendment lobbying group? If not, your apathy is contemptible. The meddling left builds their empire on apathy, regardless of party or ideology affiliation of the apathetic.
1. fifth, and just my guess, is that maybe you're a cheapskate? ... 2. But do you (financially) support any pro-2nd Amendment lobbying group? If not, your apathy is contemptible.

1. See post 16 above.

2. No, I do not, but thanks for your kind words.