OK enough already!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Yes the ammo is expensive. How many times do we need to beat the drum and kill the horse. Lets move on and find another subject.
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Good Idea

Lets talk about Wind Flags. One of the cheapest pieces of equipment and the one that can get the least amount of attention.
I heard there had been a big spike in the cost of polymer and fiberglass and that wind flags are going to triple in price!!
Sailor, I use a branch from a nearby tree and old tee shirt torn to strips to save money. But you can use better components and a greatly increased cost.
Wilbur, you caught me. I will go to the dog house for a time out.... How about if I edit the thread...

Everyone has been cooped up to long. At our range we usually shoot year round but we haven't fired a shot since our match in Novemberbecause it has rained every match day. And yes ammo is pricey but I just buy what I can afford. I'm not ever going to be a great shooter but I like to pull the trigger with the best of them.
What do we move on to? Personally I think we in the USA are being gouged. Then there are those who just don't care what you have to pay for the Elley stuff. It's crazy and I am sorry, it just don't make sence to have to pay this much for 22 lr ammo. Sorry.garrisone. You spend thousands of dollars for a rifle and a thousand dollars for a case of the good shooting stuff and what do you get-Screw by the Eley manufactory and if you are lucky to win the match you get a little piece of wood or plastic. I am no finance broker but it don't take much to see that the return on what you invest in this game just don't add up. This will be the last time I say anything about the cost. I guess I foolishly thought that if enough real bright guys that are just as fed up with the constant rise of this product as I am would ban togeather and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.garrisone.
Lets talk about Wind Flags. One of the cheapest pieces of equipment and the one that can get the least amount of attention.

Not so fast there Gordo ole buddy. Guys are already talkin up the Aussie windflags. Wait till you check out the price of these little bastards.:D:D
I guess I foolishly thought that if enough real bright guys that are just as fed up with the constant rise of this product as I am would ban togeather and say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.garrisone.

Given my other current hobby is chasing little white balls around a pasture using 13 clubs, you will have a hard time convincing me shooting is stupid.

I didn't say shooting was stupid- I said what it cost compaired to what you get out of it was. Plastic and wood plaques.don't cost as much as the rifles or the ammo. But before I offend anyone eles talking about how exspensive it is to shoot - I throw in the flag. No one cares anyway. I have always been taught that when something is wrong you try to change it. But what the Hell;;;; I can't change anything. garrisone.
I have heard it said that a good shooter can out shoot others that have:
1.better equipment
2.better ammo
3.less experience.
If all that is true or even partially true you can solve the ammo cost problem by providing the ammo for each match. A good shooter should beat a not so good shooter with Blazer @ 79 cents/box. Every match will feature some cheap ammo. I know every guns prefers a certain ammo but a good gun will usually group most ammo well.
Truth is there are a lot of perfect scores showing now. If ammo was $1000/box and I could shoot a perfect score I might buy some just to do it but when everyone can do it the thrill is gone.
If you want to really make a fuss at some match, require all the contestants to put their ammo in a drawing and each competitor will draw for it. You won't know what ammo you are shooting until you get it! The expensive ammo will not show up there would it? If the rifles and flags get too expensive, you can draw for those too. Is this what you want? Just thinking out loud.