Obama paying off Clinton's debt...

I would like to know if there are taxes due after the money changes hands? If it is from private donations would that make it tax free even though it would pay back her personal loan?

I think there should be a congressional investigation into the matter.

Seems like a HUGE conflict of interest! :eek:

It should not be legal for him to cover her debts. If it is legal, it should be outlawed. :mad:

With this trend of thought...anyone & everyone up to their eyeballs in debt should be able to reach out to brother Obama for a bail-out check. :confused:

Ok, I'm luckier then most. Both our vehicles (one 4, one 5 years old) are paid for. Zero credit card debt, only owe another 44K on house, paid off in 4 1/2 years. How ever did we do it you ask? Hard work, the old fashioned way!

Big gun show tomorrow, Barrack, bring your check book, buy me new guns & stuff. What? You can't? Ohhhhhh, I see, only 2 Republican votes in my house.

People take high risk investments every day, and some loose their shirts (or, in Billery's case, a bad pants-suit). :D

Can you spell i-n-f-l-u-e-n-c-e b-u-y-i-n-g boys & girls? ;)
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Clinton doesn't have any 'debt'. She chose to spend her own money on her campaign. Why should anybody give her money to put back into her bank account ?
Clinton doesn't have any 'debt'. She chose to spend her own money on her campaign. Why should anybody give her money to put back into her bank account ?

Because that's how both of the parties support to actions of the party as a whole. It is a value judgement they make as related to party unity. Obviously Bill and Hillary can aid in getting more funds by the campaigning for Obama. What do you think Ron Paul is going to do with all the money he didn't spend, keep it for his next election battle.

Push for Federal Financing of Campaigns and it will solve all these problems and get away from legal bribes!
Poetic Justice

I am not about to vote for Senator Obama, (or at least, not at this time), but I think it is rather Poetic that he is using Senator McCain's "election finance reforms" to beat him up in the money raising game.
Just as Bill and Hillary did not forsee the rapid rise of Barok Obama, (after all, it was "her turn"), I doubt Senator McCain forsaw the unpresidented ability for a single man to rake in so much cash, with no help from the Government.
Of course, that does beg the question. Just where IS all of that money really coming from.........jackie

Methinks it is coming from a bunch of really fed up Americans. I know dozens of people that have sent in 50 or 100 at a time and are planning to keep doing it every month or so even while paying more for gas and food. They must be really fed up.

But I do live near Austin and you know what that is.....

50 square miles surrounded by reality.
Maybe most of it is coming from our pockets that funnels its way to the oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia.

Remember Obama wouldn't wear a flag pin or put his hand over his heart!!! And when the wind changes he will lean towards the Muslims.
Maybe most of it is coming from our pockets that funnels its way to the oil rich countries like Saudi Arabia.

Remember Obama wouldn't wear a flag pin or put his hand over his heart!!! And when the wind changes he will lean towards the Muslims.

Are you related to the Sgt?

You and I have a different idea about what being an American is! I suspect you would have disliked everyone not just like you since the beginning of this nation for lots of different reasons. You know, I don't even have a flag pin, so I'm a disloyal American too I guess! My doctor is a wonderful Muslim man and friend, so obviously I'll be supporting Al Qaeda when their ships attack our Pacific Fleet and invade the beaches at Laguna, Calif. He operated on me and saidn know about me having to become a Muslim or he'd kill me! Maybe it slipped his mind while he was plotting a bombing attack on some school children, you fine, patriotic American!!

Well, if I don't shut up now I'll break my own civility rules! :mad:
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It would probably

shock people here to know how many engineers and managers of muslim decent work at our operating Nuclear Power Plants.
shock people here to know how many engineers and managers of muslim decent work at our operating Nuclear Power Plants.

If you want to be shocked I could take you to my old school with 65% Asian immigrant children. My friend still teacher the high math and magazine/computer driven publishing electives. It is almost all Asian kids in the top classes and they are the greatest kids in the world. Many struggle with learning English but still excel regardless of the effort required! Polite, sweet, open, respectful, hard working and headed for the top colleges! It's an honor to teach them. The parents showered me with gifts at Christmas. When I announced my retirement an Asian community group came to my room and offered to increase my salary considerably out of their own pockets if I would stay. I was very touched at their kind but illegal offer!

Somethings wrong with our country not the schools, but if you visited those classes you'd know what it is in a few minutes! The attitudes taught by parents and adults! Asian parents praise and support good teachers, while Americans blame them for their own kids poor attitudes. I had lots of mediocre teachers in my education, and a very few ones that helped me with a single comment at the right time. I've done very well for myself as the first college graduate in my family and more money than I deserve, but whatever I got right was because the attitudes I had, not the schools I attended. I went to 13 schools in 12 years because of a broken family with one parent towards the end. It's the values you are taught in your home and by a few good teachers! The rest is a declining society just trying to shove the blame on the system or government!
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Mr D

That is true all over the country. It isn't only Ca. We as a proud society just don't want to admit it. The number of people from foreign countries holding down very high paying jobs in the United States is staggering. The majority of them making as much and more money than their American counterparts. We are losing our resolve in this great country.
That is true all over the country. It isn't only Ca. We as a proud society just don't want to admit it. The number of people from foreign countries holding down very high paying jobs in the United States is staggering. The majority of them making as much and more money than their American counterparts. We are losing our resolve in this great country.

I just hope as after Pearl Harbor we can make the changes necessary to turn things around. Our military was asleep again on 12/6/41 even though we were building defenses on Wake Island for the coming Japanese attack! This country has to be hit on the head like a mule to see necessary change!

Parts of Europe are so far ahead of us in so may areas and we just deny it. In Germany the Truck Stops had nicer food than any restaurant I know of in my entire area! In Switzerland the average man had such a wonderful communal spirit. "We're all in this together!" A shop owner who spoke seven languages fluently told me, "If I can't pay a employee a minimum living wage and provide his health care than I have no business hiring him! It would be immoral" You don't hear U.S. Shop owners say things like that! I spent 15 days all up the coast of China and never saw a teenager with a scowl on his face like I see everyday here! Their work ethic is amazing and they absolutely love Americans!

Oh well, I'm sounding like a liberal! I forgot that we are #1 in all things and the world is out to destroy liberty and make us all Muslims!


How did Osama Bin Ladin say he was going to weaken us and get us out of the Middle East?

Draw us into wars that would turn the Muslim world against us bleed our economic strength!

So how's he doing so far as he sits in Pakistan watching soccer on Satellite and $4.50 gasoline?
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