NYC gun owners shafted again??

Break off

It's a shame, that NY isn't built on an earthquake prone area like Kaliforication. Then there would be hope that they would break off and float away.
I think that it's just a small degree of mis-communication. I've tried it on some younger folks around here and it seems to work. It's a matter of how they think and it so happens that they haven't had the opportunity to think another way.

I could be wrong.
NYC gun owners shafted again

Your close to the problem Wilber
I call it the dumbing down of the Public.
The Educational system has taken a real hit not only in New York City or state but the whole country.
NY use to be Ist in Education now that's lost.
The collages both State and private are very liberal with a warped philosophy .
civics are not being taught the proper way in our schools along with American History
It gotten so most of the young people today don't know the bill of rights .
The Safe Act is unconstitutional as it infringes on the right to keep and bear arms as well as unconstitutional on the fourth amendment as well, the right to be secure in your property and effects. When they pass a law that bans items that you have legally purchased and possessed, then they are violating the fourth amendment that allows we the people to be secure in our property and effects. That means they can't take away what you own. However, the way that the courts are going and their stupidity in interpreting the bill of right, who knows what they will do.
Mike I think it's all over in the state of New York but the kicking and Crying! There is another Rally in Albany the 8th, two days from now. Its going to one that Cuomo is giving his State address. Hope they can do some good, I won't be able to go because of prior commitment. Would have loved to be there. Maybe we can secede From New York City or those County's.

Joe Salt
Writing your NY politician to tell him that you want him to reverse the gun laws of your city or state is futile. MOVE! Writing your congressman, waiting for the next election, and maintaining a positive attitude does nothing for you when your plane is on fire and has been in a downward spiral.

I'm 60 now. Good things, like the wave of concealable handgun licensing that has swept over much of the nation, as well as a much wider acceptance of ugly black rifles by the general public has been a very slow progression that has taken 2/3 of my life to witness. But, if you live in Democrat states like NY, Cali, Conn, etc., very little will change for the better, and over time much will only change for the worse.
NYC gun owners shafted again

The bases are loader here in ONONDAGA county. WE vote Republican and get some wins but that safe act had would be Republicans vote for it.
It whining and crying it BETRAYEL by our elected officials. In there Quest to be Reelected they vote for what's popular rather then what's right.
It's the same across the country. Those nice cushy jobs that overpay , with benefits fir for a Prince are way to Tempting .
Politicians are supposed to Follow the constitution rather then work against it. The Clintons and many others look to England and want to for a government similar to that, Problem is that's the very same system that the founders hated.
Look to mother England gun control, people control, National heath insurance {waiting lines}, Unemployment for years etc.
HARRISBURG — When it comes to job creation, one state’s loss is another state’s gain.

Kahr Firearms Group, a gun manufacturer, is moving its corporate headquarters from downstate New York to a 620-acre plot in Pike County, in the northeast corner of Pennsylvania.

The move comes after New York earlier this year passed the SAFE Act, banning sales of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Kahr Spokeswoman Sheryl Gallup said the company was mulling an expansion in New York before the legislation, but then found Pennsylvania’s gun laws “less restrictive.”

shevyII: Beikirch's Ammunition corporation, has done the same thing. They bought a place in PA. also because of the unsafe act.

Joe Salt
NYC gun owners shafted again

I'm surprised to see Remington still here, They were offered a sweetheart deal in another state.
I can see that they feel un appreciated, after all of that corporate tax they have paid.
The gov thinks the Tri state area is NEW York State.
as mayor Kotch once said we are the hicks from the stix.