NWA CCRP Indoor Bench Rest 02/21/2015



Air Gun Shooters,
Harvey came through with pictures : https://www.flickr.com/photos/9253708@N03/sets/72157650546388707/
The fifth of six CCR&P Indoor Air Rifle Benchrest Match of this season went smoothly with sixteen air gunners showing up to test their skill and maybe some luck. The range temperature started at 44 degrees and went up to 52 degrees.
The Match started on time. Last Moth’s winner Tim Wilson did not attend this match since he was out of town, so the “Golden Cuspidor” didn’t sit on any bench.
Carol Brown came with her delicious brownies. Thank You!
There were some close score between shooters. Five shooters were in the 990’s.
There were eight perfect 250 out of 250 scores shot at the match. They were shot by Shawn Regis, Ron Price, Bob Wilgus, Gerry Smith and Dave Brown. Fine shooting.
There was a new Match Winner with Shawn Regis taking top honors with a 999-74x. Excellent shooting. This was Shawn’s second time shooting the CCRP Indoor Match. Shawn borrowed his rifle from Ron Price. Rumor has it, that the next rifle loaned to Shawn will be a Daisy Red Ryder.
1st Place PCP went to Ron Price with a 996-69x. 2nd Place PCP went to Mark Burns with a 993-60x. Shawn Regis and Ron Price set on each side of Mark Burns. Rumor has it; they snatched some of Mark’s “MoJo”. Gerry Smith took 3rd Place PCP with his 991-54x.
In the Springer Class Bob Wilgus was 1st with a 994-53x. Nice going Bob. Second Place Springer went to Walt Schumacher with a 985-50x. 3rd Place Springer went to Harvey Gertson with a 976-39x.

Shawn Regis shot an Anschutz (no information on model or pellets). Ron Price used a BM 500 with JSB pellets. Mark Burns shot a TM 1000 with AA 10.3 gr. pellets at 800 fps. Gerry Smith shot an Anschutz 2002 using Qiang Yuan “Red Box” pellets at 585 fps.
Bob Wilgus shot a Feinwerkbau (FWB) 300S using JSB 7.33 gr. pellets at 600 fps. Walt Schumacher shot a FWB 300S with JSB Express 7.8 gr. pellets running 585 fps. Harvey Gertson shot a Feinwerkbau 300 with a Macarri Tyrolean stock, using Qiang Yuan Training 8.2 gr. pellets at 547 fps.

Mike Hadley scored targets during the match and after the match was joined by John Mickel, Gerry Smith and Walt Schumacher. Dave Brown recorded the scores and John Calhoun help with the math totals. Great work everyone and a BIG Thank You.

With JD’s absent Harvey was substitute photographer (can’t wait for JD’s return). Thanks to the Shooters for attending and those that help put everything away.

The next Indoor Air Rifle Benchrest Match is Saturday March 21, 2015 (3rd Saturday). Shawn Regis will be the “Golden Cuspidor” Holder at this match.


CCRP Air Rifle Benchrest Match Date: February 21, 2015
No. Name Class T1 Score x's T2 Score x's T3 Score x's T4 Score x's Total Score Total x's

1 Shawn Regis PCP - MW 249 17 250 17 250 19 250 21 999 74
2 Ron Price PCP - 1st 250 18 248 16 250 21 248 14 996 69
3 Bob Wilgus SPR - 1st 248 10 248 13 250 16 248 14 994 53
4 Mark Burns PCP - 2nd 248 15 248 15 249 16 248 14 993 60
5 Gerry Smith PCP - 3rd 247 12 246 9 250 20 248 13 991 54
6 John Calhoun PCP 248 11 246 5 248 13 247 15 989 44
7 John Mickel PCP 247 9 245 9 249 14 247 15 988 47
8 Walt Schumacher SPR - 2nd 247 13 246 11 247 13 245 13 985 50
9 Bob Gribble PCP 246 9 247 12 245 11 246 11 984 43
10 Dave Brown PCP 243 9 244 7 243 8 250 17 980 41
11 Charles Stahlheber PCP 245 9 243 8 246 13 246 8 980 38
12 Harvey Gertson SPR - 3rd 244 6 239 6 247 16 246 11 976 39
13 Kay Gribble PCP 240 6 242 8 245 4 243 6 970 24
14 Ted Miles PCP 239 6 239 5 241 5 243 12 962 28
15 James Hills PCP 223 3 187 0 194 1 201 2 805 6
16 Don Scott SPR 98 1 215 1 219 3 231 3 763 8
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Great report

The Equipment: Sec. is the best report on here so far for Shooter's info.on what Pellet was used in what Gun and did what Score. Thank You Sir.....Franky

PS Congrat's 8 250s
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