NRA Supports China



I wanted to share a very disappointling experience and ask for those of you who agree with me to write to the NRA to get this addressed.
I recently upgraderd to a NRA Life Membership, for doing so the NRA sent me a "Minuteman" statue, this symbol of American freedom was made in China.
Please see a copy of my letter to the NRA and their response which I pasted below. If you agree with me, I was advised we have to write directly to Wayne LaPierre as he is responsible for the sourcing decisions for NRA material.
Wayne LaPierre
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

Please remember this if you consider buying any other NRA promotional material.

From: Vince & Linda
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 10:59 PM
To: Membership

Subject: Life Membership
Today I received my Minuteman Statue which was supposed to be in recognition of my upgrading to Life Member.
Upon receiving it I promptly destroyed this treasonous piece of garbage and threw it in the trash.
How dare you send me such a patriotic symbol that has been MADE IN CHINA.

China, one of our most dangerous enemies. An enemy that threatens the freedom of this country and the free world.
An enemy that has take our jobs with their unfair trade practices.
An enemy the supports other enemies such as North Korea, Iraq, Iran, the Taliban, Chavez in Venezuela, communists in Chile, and the list goes on.
This is an enemy that has made serious and continued efforts to destroy our country and way of life.
An enemy that shot at my father, another Life Member, in Korea.
And you send me a Minuteman statue made in CHINA!!

This is a serious breach of confidence and trust.

Every freedom loving gun owner I can contact will hear of this unbelievable act until you right this wrong and recall everyone of these treasonous items from every American you have sent them to.
I also expect to see a printed apology in your publications; American Rifleman, American Hunter and Shooting Illustrated.
A written apology directly from Wayne LaPierre is also in order.
NEVER again will I buy another NRA labeled item, nor will I visit the NRA store again.
Shame on you.

NRA Life Member

From: Membership []
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:26 AM
To: 'Vince & Linda'
Subject: RE: Life Membership
Thank you for contacting us.
Due to American economic and production shifts in manufacturing, it has become more and more difficult to find manufactures within the U.S. who can meet our demand while being cost productive. Please be assured that whenever possible, the NRA does buy American Made products. Unfortunately, many of the items that Members want are either not manufactured in America, or the cost of an American Made product is too prohibitive to offer as a promotional item. We sympathize with your complaints and are continually working to meet the demands and expectations of our Members.
Thank you very much for your support and please feel free to contact us
if you ever need anything else!
Best Regards,
NRA Member Communications
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 1(800)672-3888
Up here in "The Great White North". Or some used to call it "The Arsenal of Democracy".
I have a hard time finding a shop that does small machine jobs.
They are gone.
There used to be a 5 square mile area in north Detroit. With 51 "Job shops". They are all gone. A Friend was the local Assoc. Pres. 5 thousand jobs gone. Plus the associated jobs to support.
At the Super Shoot 2010. I saw more cars and trucks with foreign head stamps, than a used car lot in San Diego.
Tony Boyer's book was printed in China. It is a very well built book. For a paper back.
The covers will last for years.
Never saw a book built this good. And it was only $35.00 USD.

By the way. You shop at Wal-Mart??????????....................
Oh. Vince you just upgraded to a Life Membership. Good for you.
Did eveyone in your family???

I just upgraded. Got a sticker....And some junk mail.
Up here in "The Great White North". Or some used to call it "The Arsenal of Democracy".
I have a hard time finding a shop that does small machine jobs.
They are gone.
There used to be a 5 square mile area in north Detroit. With 51 "Job shops". They are all gone. A Friend was the local Assoc. Pres. 5 thousand jobs gone. Plus the associated jobs to support.
At the Super Shoot 2010. I saw more cars and trucks with foreign head stamps, than a used car lot in San Diego.
Tony Boyer's book was printed in China. It is a very well built book. For a paper back.
The covers will last for years.
Never saw a book built this good. And it was only $35.00 USD.

By the way. You shop at Wal-Mart??????????....................

I believe in the NRA, everyone should join that can afford it. My request is to let Wayne know we do not want our membership money going to China. Is that out of line?

I live near Toledo 35 minutes south of Detroit. Our plant had 3000 employees in 1970, Toledo had over 100,000 jobs related to the auto industry. I think your number is wrong, I believe the number is 2 million manufacturing jobs have been lost out of the I-75 corridor. I lost my job, manufacturing automotive parts, thanks to outsourcing to China, India and Mexico.

The NRA sourcing to China is different, they represent us, they will do what we ask, and we MUST ask them not to buy from China.
Oh. Vince you just upgraded to a Life Membership. Good for you.
Did eveyone in your family???

I just upgraded. Got a sticker....And some junk mail.

I wish I could afford to sign everyone up, but I lost my job to outsourcing to China and India. The worst part of this darn statue is I never asked for it or wanted it. Apparently they were running some kind of promotion when I finally had saved up enough to upgrade. I did not need a statue to upgrade, the annual membership dues were adding up and it was an economic decision for me (age factor x Annual Dues = more than Life Dues). I saved for 2 years to be able to upgrade, it was difficult but I did it, and I did not want a Chinese statue of American patriots as a thank you. I believe the NRA represents us. If they know we do not want Chinese junk they will find other options. We MUST support the NRA and other 2nd Ammendment organizations, BUT we must also make sure they know we want our monies going to defend the 2nd Ammendment first, and to US and friendly countries for promotional items second. If I wrote this so poorly that it seems I do not support the NRA, please forgive me. I am trying to tell Wayne we do not want the NRA to support China. I did not upgrade to 'Life' for the statue, I upgraded to give the NRA the financial support they need to fight for us.
Vince. I apologize.
I work in Monroe. The sad part is I am still working. We are really busy. And like most companies. They will not hire anyone. I hear this from a lot of people.
If they would hire some more people. Then maybe people would buy more stuff.
"Trickle down economy". It works.
50% of our work force is Temps. But, most of these guys are coming off a lay off and have huge bills. Paying credit does not buy goods and services.....
I will not buy at Wal-Mart.
I shop Meijer. Even the Meijer CEO buys at Meijer. HQ Grand Rapids, MI.
But, my co-workers are all shop there. "uuh, I saved 20 cents on some underwear."

The CEO at my company is from Germany. And the VP.

And it took me a few yrs. to pay for the Life Membership.
I missed the 50 % sale......
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I wanted to share a very disappointling experience and ask for those of you who agree with me to write to the NRA to get this addressed.
I recently upgraderd to a NRA Life Membership, for doing so the NRA sent me a "Minuteman" statue, this symbol of American freedom was made in China.
Please see a copy of my letter to the NRA and their response which I pasted below. If you agree with me, I was advised we have to write directly to Wayne LaPierre as he is responsible for the sourcing decisions for NRA material.
Wayne LaPierre
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030

Please remember this if you consider buying any other NRA promotional material.

From: Vince & Linda
Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 10:59 PM
To: Membership

Subject: Life Membership
Today I received my Minuteman Statue which was supposed to be in recognition of my upgrading to Life Member.
Upon receiving it I promptly destroyed this treasonous piece of garbage and threw it in the trash.
How dare you send me such a patriotic symbol that has been MADE IN CHINA.

China, one of our most dangerous enemies. An enemy that threatens the freedom of this country and the free world.
An enemy that has take our jobs with their unfair trade practices.
An enemy the supports other enemies such as North Korea, Iraq, Iran, the Taliban, Chavez in Venezuela, communists in Chile, and the list goes on.
This is an enemy that has made serious and continued efforts to destroy our country and way of life.
An enemy that shot at my father, another Life Member, in Korea.
And you send me a Minuteman statue made in CHINA!!

This is a serious breach of confidence and trust.

Every freedom loving gun owner I can contact will hear of this unbelievable act until you right this wrong and recall everyone of these treasonous items from every American you have sent them to.
I also expect to see a printed apology in your publications; American Rifleman, American Hunter and Shooting Illustrated.
A written apology directly from Wayne LaPierre is also in order.
NEVER again will I buy another NRA labeled item, nor will I visit the NRA store again.
Shame on you.

NRA Life Member

From: Membership []
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 9:26 AM
To: 'Vince & Linda'
Subject: RE: Life Membership
Thank you for contacting us.
Due to American economic and production shifts in manufacturing, it has become more and more difficult to find manufactures within the U.S. who can meet our demand while being cost productive. Please be assured that whenever possible, the NRA does buy American Made products. Unfortunately, many of the items that Members want are either not manufactured in America, or the cost of an American Made product is too prohibitive to offer as a promotional item. We sympathize with your complaints and are continually working to meet the demands and expectations of our Members.
Thank you very much for your support and please feel free to contact us
if you ever need anything else!
Best Regards,
NRA Member Communications
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: 1(800)672-3888

If this is really a breach of trust and confidence, why not resign from the NRA and ask for your money back ??? Seems like the logical thing to do.
i consider supporting the chinese a breach of trust. we just keep putting good americans out of work. we keep it up, and soon there wont be anybody left with the money to support the NRA. i dont shop at chinamart either!


I feel your pain. I have been a life mamber of the NRA for over 35 years.I have met Wayne LaPierre personally several times. He gave me his business card and told me once if I needed to contact him personally to just call or write. Since then I too have tried to contact Wayne Lapierre several times about issues I feel are just as important as what you are addressing. He/the NRA does a very good job of insulating him from those who are trying to contact him. I feel the NRA's management has gotten to big and bureacratic.When I am asked to continue to support the NRA I don't say "NO", I say hell no. Maybe one of these days I will get a NRA management person to ask "why". If a few of the folks could only get Mr. Lapierre or others listed in the NRA management to return a call or e-mail wiithout some "politically correct" answer that down plays the importance on an issue.

In "politically correct" terms then NRA has lost touch with its members. They have become a money grubbing bunch. It can't be said any plainer than that.

I challenge Mr. Lapierre to respond to this posting as no one can easily contact him directly. I am confident someone at the NRA is paid to keep an eye on the media and web to know what the other side is saying.

Nat Lambeth
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Do I EVER feel the pain in this link . . . Life Member since 1967, and Endowment for the past 5 years. I also feel that they are getting to be a bit on the money grabbing end of this. If I gave a dollar for every letter I receive from them a month - it would equal more than I make on my meager retirement. Along with that is the Republican Party's effort to take more from me for their less that stellar efforts in government. I know that the Unions had and have a place - but for the most part it is the Unions that have run jobs out of the country - Labor Cost kept getting higher and higher, thus they have to find someplace to be competitive at. This has ruled the world since time began, someone to make something cheaper and quicker, thus the problem we see - losing jobs to China. We still have to survive, and with the cost of everything going up and up - some of our loyalty has to be set aside to survive, do what you can, and get by best you can. I still try to get products made in the USA, but it is getting harder to find them - anyplace !! We have become a lazy Nation that just wants to play and party, it will cost us dearly when the chips fall. Thank God for the Volunteers that make up our Military Forces . . lets hope this administration doesn't try to turn them on us . . .
I know that the Unions had and have a place - but for the most part it is the Unions that have run jobs out of the country

It's not the Unions. Look at the salaries and benefits they're paid compared to the TRUE cost of living. They're living from paycheck to paycheck just like the other millions of workers in this country.

It's the companies' share holders and executives that DEMAND greater margins [profits] on their investments, a constantly rising share price, and MULTIMILLION dollar salaries. Their looking for cheaper labor outside this country so they can foster larger profits and even larger salaries for themselves. It's called GREED!

Note: In 2009, the union membership rate--the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of a union--was 12.3 percent, essentially unchanged from 12.4 percent a year earlier.
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Nat. I once wondered about why the FBI and government does not publish the number of people convicted under the "Instant Back Ground" check.
AND emailed to Wayne. In Wayne's Jan. column he answered that question. None was the answer.
The anti-gunners always talk about "how many people were prevented from buying a handgun".
But, never how many were convicted of this felony.
Art. UAW forklift drivers make $27/hr.

$27 X 160 hrs = $4320 gross/Mo X .80 = $3456 net/Mo X 12 = $41,472 / Yr. Not a whole lot these days. Just getting by.
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I know I'm getting in this thread late, but I sent a letter to the NRA a couple years ago because the bullet replica I received for extending my member ship was made in China and I noticed over half their catalog items were imported as well. I never got an answer.

It seems the NRA is mostly concerned with soliciting donations. I'm sure I get a letter a week from them and I feel like they're the little boy that cried wolf (Never let a crisis go to waste... where have I heard that before?). Anyone know what Wayne LaPierre makes a year?

Are any of the other gun organizations out there any better? NAGR?

$27 X 160 hrs = $4320 gross/Mo X .80 = $3456 net/Mo X 12 = $41,472 / Yr. Not a whole lot these days. Just getting by.
Actually since 4 1/3 weeks in a month it's $45k take home a year. I do not want to be argumentative but an awful lot of people myself included would love to have that coming in.

Actually since 4 1/3 weeks in a month it's $45k take home a year. I do not want to be argumentative but an awful lot of people myself included would love to have that coming in. Dick

Dick, Using your figures, if you like, that's only $23K from the official poverty line for a family of four. Not so hot for this touted affluent country of ours.

The 2009 Poverty Guidelines for the 48 Contiguous States and the District of Columbia Persons in family Poverty guideline
1 $10,830
2 14,570
3 18,310
4 22,050
5 25,790
6 29,530
7 33,270
8 37,010
For families with more than 8 persons, add $3,740 for each additional person.