NRA LIFE for $300.00


New member
If you haven't already heard, the NRA is running a special $300 lifetime membership enrollment and MGM is throwing in a free Switchview lever from MGM!! Thanks Kevin.


Unbeknownst to us here at MGM, the $300 Life Membership deal with the NRA was TOM GRESHAM’s idea. He came up with the plan, suggested it to the NRA, and worked out all the details. One of the initial reason for the special phone number was so you wouldn’t have to stand in line at the normal phone number. (Good plan, huh?!) Since this started 3 weeks ago, more than 6,000 people have joined the NRA. Tom has sent more than $10,000 to the 2nd Amendment Foundation this month. As with the inventors of some of our products, we strongly believe that those with good ideas should get the credit. In this case, we all owe a huge “THANKS!” to Tom for his work in support of our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS. Great work, Tom!!

Mike Gibson

YOUR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS IS IN DANGER, more so now than since 1774. We need to speak up individually, and as a group. The NRA does that better for us than any other organization, and they are offering the deal of a life time on new life memberships. $300. To sweeten that deal, after you sign up (or upgrade your current NRA membership to Life), MGM will send you a $50 Gift Certificate, or a SwitchView scope lever, your choice. Details are on the MGM website at Please do this now, then forward this to all you know, who want to KEEP their guns.

If you're not already a National Rifle Association member, now would be a great time to get a Life Membership. The NRA is offering a Special for the month of February 2013 for only $300. (I paid $300 for my life membership back in the 80's.) The current regular price for a Life Membership is $1,000. This special membership drive requires a one time payment of $300. With the Life Membership you get the American Rifleman, American Hunter or America's First Freedom monthly magazine, and several other benefits. If you have ever considered joining the NRA or if you are a yearly member NOW is the time to join or upgrade.
This offer is not on the NRA website for obvious "press" reasons. Call (888) 678-7894 for membership.

Then, send MGM your new Life Membership number and the date you upgraded/enrolled and we’ll send the certificate to you."
Werner Arms
Anyone try this?

It's not on their Web Site. You also make it appear, it's only available to new members.
If you read the post, it states that it's not on their web site. Also in the post, it states that you can upgrade a currenr membership to life. Therefore it's not just for new members. I just called NRA # in this post and verified this info. Ron

It's not on their Web Site. You also make it appear, it's only available to new members.
Yep it's true

If you call the membership line and wait 20 minutes on hold they are doing it until Feb 28.
If you call the membership line and wait 20 minutes on hold they are doing it until Feb 28.
I'm going to try that. I've gone, over the years, from Life to Endowment to Patron. For a short while recently, the NRA was offering to bump any Life member one level for $250 on this page:

I was going to use it to go from Patron to Benefactor but they shut down the offer (via that page, at least) before I could get it done. I've been told elsewhere that this $250 level-bump for Life members is offered for a short time every year just before the annual meeting.
$300 confirmed

I just called NRA and asked about the $300 life membership. They transfered me to member's services and sure enough, paid $300 and now I'm a life member....Bryn