Screamer Dreamin'
What is actually hard to believe is we the people are just allowing what our forefathers have left to us to just simply be taken away. Unfortunately what folks forget is that they work for us and we don't work for them. We hired them and we can damn sure fire them just as easily if they are not doing what we hired them to do.
Louis.J, I thought of you when I read the following a few days ago -- it's from a book I've been reading.
What about approaching politicians for help, for change?...Politicians are constantly looking over their shoulders at their human constituency while they slip their hands into the pockets of their nonhuman constituency, their corporate sponsors. Politicians have power, but it has been bought with false promises to the people, and much of it has been paid for with corporate money. Politicians are at once in conflict, since the interest of the people is often antithetical to the interest of the corporation that subsidizes the politician.
"Write your congressman" is the unremitting cry of the impotent. The politician will not change his vote, no matter how many letters, if his underlying power -- money -- is diminished a dime. The letter writer keeps the U.S. Postal Service in business and provides employment to bored congressional assistants who send out thousands of form letters in response.
As for your comment in bold above, first, "we" (i.e., most of the folks on this forum) probably didn't hire "them," and, second, given that so many votes have been bought by all the free stuff, the "finding" of new rights in the constitution, and the above-referenced false promises, "we" probably can't fire them. But, your welcome to move to GA to help try to unseat one of our "blue" senators next year.