NRA Files for Bankruptcy

The corrupted are claiming others are corrupt only to hide behind their own corruption and to look innocent to all the free wealth being gifted to them by being corrupted.
Anyone not a member has benefited by the successes of the NRA in preserving our rights as stipulated in the 2nd amendment. Shooters who are not members are simply sliding along on responsible gunowner coattails.

The 2A was in place long before the NRA and likely will be long after the NRA is gone.

BTW, surely you're not saying that shooters who are not NRA members are not responsible gunowners?
The benefit of the NRA is their lobbying power and their Lawyers. If anyone thinks they can fight the system alone it is just not going to happen. Those folks in DC are determined to take your rights away and now having full control they can damn near do as they please and probably will.
The benefit of the NRA is their lobbying power and their Lawyers. If anyone thinks they can fight the system alone it is just not going to happen. Those folks in DC are determined to take your rights away and now having full control they can damn near do as they please and probably will.

What Louis said....otherwise you may be in a dream world...


I recently heard about the "3%'s". Only 3% of the Colonists supported the American Revolution. I am still shocked.....
But, after getting into shooting sports and seeing all the people, who walk in and walk out of the events and not help....And most just have a criticism of anything....

Uhh...I believe that was 30%. And after the Revolutionary war, rather than murder the loyalists, we allowed them to go to Canada.
Many of the solicitations for money are NRA-ILA.

The Institute for Legislative Action.

NRA is a charity.
Donations are tax deductible.

NRA-ILA is the political lobbying arm.
No dues money from NRA can be used for lobbying.
The NRA-ILA was created to lobby congress critters.
If California has it, it will be heading your way soon and that seems to be the ever growing theme of things.
I believe the question of gun ownership in the United States was settled in 1791.

Bill, I believe this and you believe this. Unfortunately a great number of people and legislators believe its open for discussion. So far, we have not convinced them that it is not.

Nice to see the new Congress Woman from Rifle Colorado standing up for Her Rights knowing she will also stand up for our own. She is being extremely harassed by the Left and could careless to what they have to say about her. But she does extremely care about maintaining Her own personal rights and do so with ours as well.
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I believe the question of gun ownership in the United States was settled in 1791.

I agree that in a reasonable world you are correct but in todays world nothing is settled until the liberals have it the way they want, and they want our guns and will do everything possible to get them. If we don't fight like hell we will lose a lot of our gun rights and many other things in the next 4 yrs.
I agree that in a reasonable world you are correct but in todays world nothing is settled until the liberals have it the way they want, and they want our guns and will do everything possible to get them. If we don't fight like hell we will lose a lot of our gun rights and many other things in the next 4 yrs.

The Liberals have been running away from Liberty & Freedom for may years now.

They are becoming Fascists trying to tell everyone how they should live their lives.
Only because we the people are letting them do just that and that is no fault but of our own.

The problem is that our part of "we the people" is outnumbered by the other part, and that other part is getting larger every day. Probably not much we can do, other than watch the train go off the tracks.
Not at all true unless you are one of those who thinks he cannot and that attitude just screws all of the rest of us who know that we can. You are a prime example of us being our own worst enemy.

There are a total of 535 Members of Congress. 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives.

There are now 328 million legal citizens give or take now living the United States so do the math and now say that we can't.
Just take a 1/4 of them that leaves what 82 million to only 435 and yet you still say we cannot change what is going on? The math just does not add up either way you look at it they are still out numbered so why lay down and to just let them get their own way?
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What does just NY and Ca. only have to do with it. In Ca. we are working on getting Gavin Newsom recalled. We are also working on spiltting up this State so the big cities no longer control all of this States votes. Outside of San Francisco, LA, Sacramento and Silicone Valley we are not Democratic by any means but just the exact opposite of. And most importantly we are trying and not just throwing in the towel and saying oh well it is what it is and there is just no changing it so why even try and that is not the attitude that we have.
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The problem is that our part of "we the people" is outnumbered by the other part.........

Don't even TRY it ye silly bint :) ...... you are NOT "one of us" as you've made perfectly clear since the day you registered on this board.

I may have stopped arguing with you and your cronies but that doesn't preclude me from holding your feet to the fire when you try to insinuate your way into the conservative camp, you can't carry Louis' water my leftist friend so please don't try to pass yourself off as "on his side"