Notice-I will NOT be Holding IR50/50 Matches at Blue Ridge in 2014

Kent Owens

Active member
To my good friends:
I have sent a request and asked that my matches on the schedule for 2014 be removed from the schedule.

I want to thank all of the shooters for their past support, and help that made the matches enjoyable.

I'll miss all of you guys more than you realize. The shooters, and friendship was what made it all worthwhile.

My sincere thanks to all of you.

Kent Owens

I am sad to hear this my friend, I know you were thinking about this the last couple years and we all owe you a big thank you for running those matches all these years it was a real pleasure to shoot there and a lot of the times it was a really great match there especially the state and regional matches but I don't think there is any comparison to the last match of the year almost every year having 20 or 25 shooters there.Great competition and great shooting, thanks again for all the memories.
Mike Cameron
Ditto what Mike said. Hope you are still shooting with us. I look forward to seeing you.
Resigning as rangemaster

I don't regularly shoot with you but have done so at the Nationals over the last 15 years and a few Regionals. During those experiences I've learned to respect you as a shooter and a a true gentleman. You have helped many others and contributed greatly to this discipline. I am sorry to see you you leave but hope you continue to compete.
Bob Pekaar
Thanks all. I'll be bumping this back to the top every now and then.

After running matches for 10 years on the 3rd Saturday of May, at a range that's been holding IR50/50 matches

since the beginning of the game, I want to make sure no one shows up and finds the place closed.
I announced my retirement too Kent

I have reached the age where the Bucket List is calling louder than running BR matches. Been doing it a long time and now it will be MY TIME.
