Not your father's Huey!


e publius unum
Was on a Naval base Thursday and saw this Huey. Could have sworn that Hueys were long a thing of the past but a Marine pilot who was with us said that this machine was brand new. It looks sorta like a Huey but with a 4 bladed rotor and all sorts of high tech stuff hanging off of it. Look at the power, not exactly the single 1200-1500 shp motor powering the thing 40+ years ago. The other shots are of the current fixed wing basic trainer used by the Navy, Marines and AF. It is a Swiss Platus design license built by Beechcraft.

I was talking to a young Marine 1st Lt who was on base for familiarization training on rotary wing aircraft prior to training on V22 Ospry tiltwing aircraft. It occurred to me that I would give everything that I have achieved in my life to be there and embark on that adventure. The same feeling happened to me couple of months ago as I was talking to a Navy Lt jg who was being transferred to an F18 squadron and an experience that I could only imagine.

I could have done it if only I had applied myself in that direction, if only. I think that the phrase "if only" is reserved for the people who aren't satisfied with the way they lived their lives.



Dude, if you like go to an airshow a week......... and post pictures every other day ........... It will SOOOO not be too much!


Tom D, This new Bell chopper has been with the Corps for short while, It disproves the old addage that you "Can't teach an old dog new tricks" It is disignated the UH-1Y Yankee. Just think about the first HU-1 flew in the mid 50's I think and today we still have a version of that old bird here in 2011 still flying "Jarheads" to a place they need to be at that moment in time. Ain't it cool?

Tom, does the new 4 blade main rotor still make distinctive popping sound of the older 2 blade, or is it much more quiet?
Tom, does the new 4 blade main rotor still make distinctive popping sound of the older 2 blade, or is it much more quiet?

The "whop, whop, whop" is gone, no more. It now sounds like just a regular helicopter, can't hear them from miles away any more.
Tom, does the new 4 blade main rotor still make distinctive popping sound of the older 2 blade, or is it much more quiet?
IIRC, the distinctive popping sound of the UH-1 and AH-1 was due to the location of the horizontal stabilizer. Note on the UH-1Y in the photo, this component has been relocated towards the vertical stabilizer. The same change has been made on the AH-1Z Viper as well.

Wikipedia links:
AH-1 SuperCobra:
AH-1Z Viper:

UH-1N Twin Huey:
UH-1Y Venom:
There is an Army Navy surplus store over in Woodstock that has a Huey carcass sitting next to their building.