North East Regional Air Rifle Benchrest Championship, June 29-30 2013

How 'bout we try to convince the neighborly farmah down the road to share his bahn with us. Yup, us and the cows, we should get along just fine.

I won't be coming in 'til Saturday morning - slicker in hand.

How 'bout we try to convince the neighborly farmah down the road to share his bahn with us. Yup, us and the cows, we should get along just fine.

I won't be coming in 'til Saturday morning - slicker in hand.

Ok I learned at Angletree, I will bring waders and a Kayak! Treats for Max and ???
Ah, we're going to have fun anyway! Plenty of covered area for gear. Just got word that Matt Lababedy, the newest member of Team USA, will be joining us all the way from California for the match. Looks like we'll have about the same turnout as last year. Chicken on the grill with salads for lunch and sausage with peppers and onions for dinner on Sat., dogs(good ones!) and beans on Sunday. If anyone wants to bring along something to share, feel free...Lou's pasta salad was real good last year...hint, hint!
Looking forward to the weekend!
Ok I learned at Angletree, I will bring waders and a Kayak! Treats for Max and ???
The new dogs' name is Sadie, Paul...and we're adopting another one tomorrow evening, Axel. Not my idea!!!
Holy cow, or should I say Dog, Todd. Sounds like there will be plenty of side show entertainment, plus a good source for passing off any scraps. Not that there will be any scraps hearing the menu. Can't wait!

Glad to hear Matt will be joining us, and looking forward to meeting and shooting him. And what'll that make it, 4 of DanB's Super Barrels on the line? I know I've been very impressed with mine - so far.

Holy cow, or should I say Dog, Todd. Sounds like there will be plenty of side show entertainment, plus a good source for passing off any scraps. Not that there will be any scraps hearing the menu. Can't wait!

Glad to hear Matt will be joining us, and looking forward to meeting and shooting him. And what'll that make it, 4 of DanB's Super Barrels on the line? I know I've been very impressed with mine - so far.


Well don't shoot him in the vitals or Team USA will be looking for another member yet again.
Weather Update

The weather forecast has improved...a little. We'll probably see some showers all weekend but the bulk of the heavy rain is expected to be over by about noon tomorrow. We'll have the two 10x20 canopies over the gear benches and I'll bring a couple of smaller popups. We'll see you all tomorrow/Sat.!