Norma Brass for 6MM PPC



I am interested in hearing your experiences with Norma Brass 6MM PPC. How would you compare it to today's Lapua 220 Russian?
I have some somewhere, and shot them for a while. They seemed to be fine, but I have some Lapua .220 Russian cases, and a fire forming barrel so I will use them up before buying any more Norma. I ran some hot loads to see if the primer pockets were up to it, and they were, but I would guess that the front of the case is a little softer than the fire formed Lapua because the Norma brass had more bolt feel than the Lapua, not tight, just a little different. One of the top shooters in Washington has used the Norma with good results and reported that on one of the boards. Of course I am speaking of the new Norma cases that have double struck heads. The original ones were softer than the Lapua, and their primer pockets would not take the same pressures that the new Norma and Lapua will. One thing to note about the Norma is that the necks are thinner which would not make a good match with some of the larger neck diameter chambers. Mine are .262 and .263 and for those, there is no problem. Another thing, the "headspace" of the Norma brass is about .005 short, if I remember correctly so you may want to figure out a way to deal with that, to minimize case stretch.
I was able to purchase a supply of new Norma 6PPC Brass, which is supposedly for my .262 Neck, but after talking to Boyd about it some time ago, I decided to just use Lapua and still have the Norma unused.

I found my new Norma 6 PPC cases to be about .010 short on headspace. I seated bullets hard into the lands and used a reduced load of 27.5 grains LT-32. The cases filled out nicely and the loads even shot well. I have not yet tried them with more normal competition loads of say 28.5 grains LT-32.