If your still with me this means we can now shoot a variety of ammo over a period of time and we never have to adjust the tuner.Kind of like the info-mercial "set it and forget it".Right now most shooters are probaly adjusting for weather and lot #of ammo.
Up to this point we have Bill Calfee saying he did it exactly like the rest of us for 20 years.He then goes on to say if we hang the weight out in front of the muzzle a certain distance and the weight is adjusted using a certain method we get a no-tune tuner that shoots very well fully admitting his earlier work was a complete waste of time.He says all of this with 30 years of tuner experience under his belt and many record shooting rifles to back him up.
You seem like an intelligent guy but sometimes you also seem like a yellow journalist. Maybe, I'm just not really catching what you're saying.
I cut your post down to the two paragraphs above for two reasons.
1. Bill Calfee's exact quote is "tuner twisters don't win". I don't think most winners in rimfire, and I'm sticking to rimfire at this point, twist the tuner very much. I said this over ten years ago and was ridiculed.
2. When did Bill admit his earlier work was a complete waste of time and how did you get the idea he has been working with tuners since 1979? Try about 1994 and maybe about 1997 or 98 before you had widespread use.
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