No More Long Sleeve Shirts For Me!!!

Whoa !!!

The Pics At The Other End Of The Link Are Gory As Gory Gets !!

It Sure Is A Good Lesson On Care Around A Lathe But If You Are Squeemish Do Not Click On The Link !!

The pics go beyond "body caught in a lathe" !! more like caught in lathe chewed up and spat out the other side. Really pretty damn nasty if you are of a weak disposition, seriously. And it is just coming up to lunch time here, might not have the spaghetti bolognese !!!

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I made a post awhile back on this subject.
I did not click on the link because I have seen enough damage and gore in person.
Like I said before, machine tools can hurt you bad and everyone that operates them should take a course and every safety precaution there is.

no sleeves, no rings, no watches, no long hair on any moving machinery.
That was eye opening, and gut wrenching, no puns intended

I have the greatest respect for powerful equipment. I forwarded the web address for this post to many of my customers and peers. I told them not to come to my shop while I am working.

Health and safety will have all machinery operators wearing skin tight lycra body suits in time !!! :)
All of us married 'home shop' guys need to remember that the wife would probably be the first person on the scene :(
Oh my goodness, that doesn't even bear thinking about Ray !! Can you imagine it !! :eek:
I think it was Dave Tooley that got his sweater sleeve caught in a lathe but he was a lot luckier than this guy. I scared to death of machinery, especially BIG machinery and that was a big lathe. Jackie Schmidt probably needs to look at this cause his lathes are bigger than this one.

I have lost fingers, and had close calls with machine tools in my life. As the old saying goes, anything that will cut steel will not even slow down for flesh and bone.
The worst I ever saw was a young man with shoulder length hair who worked at Baumann Propellor Service in Houston. He was running about a 18 inch lathe, and leaned over to pick something up, and the lead screw caught his hair. He caould not reach the off switch It litterally scalped him. He came close to dying, but after many weeks, he finally decided to live.
They retrieved his scalp from the lathe's lead screw and the Doctors did re-attach it. Terrible ordeal.
Many times, even us who have done this for decades, become complacent. As Mickey said, we have machines in my shop that could swallow you up like a dinosaur, and won't even slow down You just cannot be too careful.........jackie
Thank you for the warning...

I just wish I'd heeded it. When I was in college, I saw another kid use his hand for a chip breaker. I watched yet another "reposition" a workpiece on a surface grinder between cycles. These were, I would hope, a least semi-intelligent engineering students in their second
Most accidents are the result of complacency, as Jackie said. Sometimes though, things happen which are totally unexpected. Mostly, the danger is seen in retrospect.
People talk about never wearing long sleeves while running a lathe but short sleeves are often not an option. You want to try working in a heavy machine shop when it's 30 below and the doors are open. In such conditions you wear coveralls, gloves and whatever else you need to stay warm. Even if you are cold, you still have to do the job.
I once saw a heavy canvas parka ripped right off a guy. If he hadn't been such a big, strong fellow, he might have been flapping around the roller instead of just his coat. As it was, his arm was badly broken but at least it was still attached.
I've watched my own hand travel slowly around a big sprocket; able to do nothing but wait until it made the curcuit. I was some perturbed when I realized the sprocket ran through a slot in a piece of plate. The hand couldn't go all the way around. I like to recall how I stood there stoically while I waited for someone to notice me but, in reality, I probably shrieked like a frightened girl! I remember the feeling of disbelief that I could have gotten caught that way! I was way too smart for that. Sometimes, things happen. Regards, Bill.
I think this is the reason I'm not much mechanically inclined. My Dad sold Caterpillars for 35 years and had a few parts department stories. Plus, I read the Stephen King short story "The Mangler."

/gives his old Kenmore washing machine the stink-eye.

Now I feel sick. I always wear short sleeves at the lathe but I do do have long hair and wild beard ,try to keep head away . TUCK IN SHIRT. My lathes lead screw once ate the front tail of my shirt,on slow speed. Hit emergency stop, bottom two buttons wound in, happens real fast even on slow speed.
yuck !

see why they refer to a chuck as having "jaws" all rotating equipt., is dangerous and should be approached with caution and respect, but DC driven don't play :eek: I was running a milling machine recently and the "shopforeman" approached me from behind and started running his bigmouth well it starteled me and I received a cut but it could of been a lathe with a more dramatic outcome. I nearly put my fist thru his fathead, he should know better,i always approach an operator from the side as his side vision will make him aware of my approach, safety and common courtesy.
I see why my gunsmith wears shortsleeve skintite t-shirts.
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Just keep in mind fellows that machine tools are gonna do exactly what they are designed to do. It doesnt care if you are in the way or are getting too close to moving parts. A lathe, for example, aint gonna stop and tell you to step back and give you a warning just before it jerks your arm off. Remeber, machine tools could care less if they hurt you or not...
Knew a guy that was going through his apprenticeship the same time as I who split his chest wide open while running a lathe. What a waste. Even a small lathe can kill you.