Nightforce Benchrest scope???



Could use some help

I decided that the Nightforce Benchrest scope is what I want on top on my Savage 12F 6.5 284 Norma.

There are two models.

Today I went to the range and was told about mirage caused by ground heat making magnification of 42 times useless in the afternoons. Several folks said anything more then 25 times shows the Mirage.

What I am curious to know is it worth holding out and getting the 42 times NF or just get the 32 times scope?

The NP-R2 looks like a goof choice for shooting.

Thanks 4 ur help.


The Nightforce scopes have variable power, so either would be abled to be cranked down in power, if that is what is needed to manage the mirage. On the other hand, the 8-32 has a greater range of adjustment which has advantages both in terms of maintaining precision of corrections and compensating for any misalignment of components that might happen with your rig.

Personally, I can't get my head around the claim that mirage is less manageable with higher power. The way I figure it, the higher the power you use, the more precisely you see the disturbance caused by mirage. Either way, it's still there. If you don't want to see as much mirage thru your scope, fit a polarised lens. Then you'll have even less idea what is causing your shots to go astray.

I'm one of the group who believes hash marks are only needed to show years of enlistment. I am happy to have a nice clean fine crosshair or dot & either crank the wind or aim off. I've been told that in most scopes, the value of hash marks or mil dot lay off changes with scope power, so why confuse yourself with that sort of imprecise nonsense.

Scope Power


Everyone seems to have their own idea of the best reticle, but it depends on personal taste. Many of the top shooters seem to gravitate to the NP-R2 however.

As far as power goes I shoot a 12-42x NF BR on 42x with an NPR-2. don’t be afraid to try using as much power as you have. More power equals a more precise hold and call if you can handle it.

Everyone has different ways of doing/approaching things but, I have never understood why many competitive F-Class shooters feel the need to turn down the power of their scopes when the mirage gets bad. I started shooting F-Class in 1999 with a T-24 and quickly upped the power to 42x. I shoot a 12-42x NF BR and can count on one hand the number of times I tried reducing the power during a match. Once was in South Africa FCW when the coach told me to. My score went down with the power ring every time. Even when I shot MS rifle offhand I used 36-40x power scopes.

The mirage is there even if you turn the power down; you just can’t see it as well. Perhaps I prefer a lot of power because I like a big target! I pick a place to hold on, even though I seldom hold the same place twice. If the mirage gets so bad I can’t see the rings, I just mentally calculate and hold off a percentage of the target face.
I shoot short range BR but as of today, I will be sending back a NF scope to get a simpler reticle. A stupid rookie mistake mistake cost me dearly today. Go with a reticle that allows you to aim naturally and not have to think about which mark to use. JMHO.---Mike Ezell
F-Class Reticles

I currently have two NF 12-42x’s; one has a CH1 and the other a NP-R2. For F-Class I do not recommend the CH-1. It some times becomes hard to see quickly against our black target faces in poor conditions of bright sun and mirage. You can not spend time thinking about seeing the reticule while reading the wind and mirage. You have to see it NOW! I am talking F-Class not short range BR. When I am shooting with my NP-R2’s I do not even see the hash marks, I am concentrating on the target, wind and mirage, not the reticle. If I run into ungodly wind and need more hold off at 1,000 or 1200 yards the hash marks would come into their own. The thickness of the cross wires in the NP-R2 is ideal for most F-Class competition, for BR I might prefer a bit thinner one. I have two more BR 12-42’s with NR-R2’s on order.

Do not confuse F-Class with BR, they are two different games.
I have to agree with Larry... my first 12-42x I got with a 2DD reticle, and liked it pretty well. I wanted some crosshairs, and went to a CH3, and got it on another 12-42 this year as well. Having used it on both some very dark/overcast days, and on days w/ heavy mirage... its too thin for my taste. Don't get me wrong, its nice having that little pin-point to aim with... but it (and the fine crosshairs) just get lost in the bull (with my eyes at least) if things aren't perfectly clear out.

Probably going to go to either a CH2 (bigger dot) or a R1 (have it on a couple other NF scopes) this winter.


Thanks Guys

I greatly appreciate all your input with the rectiles and magnification question.

Now all I have to do is find a stocking dealer.

Bruce Baer is a stocking dealer. 717-349-4077.
good luck

Thanks so much I guess I'll be in business by tomorrow if there open on Mondays.

Would you recommend using the nightforce rings and if so do U get the high ones?

I spoke with Ken Farrell he said he could make me a matched set as well.

I have Kelby's on mine. A friend uses the Burris Signature Z rings. It depends on your base for Hight and for Style.

I spoke with Alex this morning and ordered all the equipment.

He was very helpful and I wanted to say thanks to you for the excellent suggestion of using or 570-220-3159


For the price difference I would definitely go for the 32X. You wont need anything bigger for F-class
Get the 42X and listen to Larry if you are serious about F-Class shooting. There is a reason why the majority of the US Team members are using the 12 to 42x BR model NF.
For the price difference I would definitely go for the 32X. You wont need anything bigger for F-class

Friend, one of the gent's recommending the 12-42 is one of the top F-Class shooters in the world. :)

Maybe some don't "need" anything bigger, but maybe some very, very capable shooters 'WANT' more magnification. Is there a reason that some competitor are trying the March 10-60 riflescope? Yes. :)
32x, NP2DD. All you will need. The NP1 if you want dual use for hunting.