NH IR 50/50 3-Gun State Championship - Sat., Sept. 11th


Dave Shattuck

On Saturday, September 11th, Pinnacle Mountain Fish & Game Club in Lyndeborough, NH will be hosting the 2010 IR 50/50 New Hampshire 3-Gun State Championship. The gates will open no later than 7:45 A.M. with the “Commence Fire” for Sporter Class being called promptly at 9:00 A.M., or as soon thereafter as possible.

After the last shot has been fired and the scoring has been done we will break for lunch (provided) which will offer a good selection of Cold Cuts with all the fix’ns, plus there will be a good variety of cold soft drinks and water available throughout the day, or as always you may feel free to bring whatever works best for you.

Because of this being a State Championship event there will be NO AIRGUN BENCHREST to follow.

I have always been told to go out on a high note, so after 14 years of being a Match Director for Pinnacle Mountain I have decided to step down making this their last rimfire benchrest match, at least for now. I fully intend to continue shooting, health permitting, but from here on will do so only as a competitor. I would like to thank everyone for their help and support over the years because without you I wouldn’t have lasted as long as I did.

If you need to contact me for whatever the reason, please feel free to do so by either calling my cell phone at: 978-877-8482, or by emailing me at: dashattuck@gmail.com., but be forewarned, my computer is in the process of being upgraded, so don’t expect an immediate response.

See you on Saturday,

Dave Shattuck

Fourteen years as Mach Director. That's a big chunk of time. I'm sure all the shooters that have passed through Pinnacle Mountain's gate appreciate the effort and time you have contributed to our sport. I know Penny and I do. Thank You!

Oh ya, almost forgot, we'll be there for the final shoot this Saturday.

Todd, this may be your last chance for a Pinnacle 250!!! :D

Sorry to hear you are stepping down. I've always enjoyed the ride over to Pinnacle Mtn and the fellowship with you and the shooters over there. The conditions....well, can't say I've always enjoyed that part of PM!

Al, I'd rate my chances of shooting a 250 at Pinnacle this weekend with my gun and the ammo I've got right now at somewhere between slim and none!
I am tenatively planning to come over and shoot. I have a couple of old rifles and some ammo that is 15 years old that seems to shoot ok in them. I haven't shot much Rimfire over the past 15 years but look forward to going "Into the Breech" again.

Thanks for the kind words.


Just for the record, there has only been one 250 shot this year at Pinnacle, and that was by Mark Rocheleau during our first match when he finally shot his first ever after 15 years of chasing it. Al and Penny have come close at every match, but so far only one. Believe me, no one will be rooting for you more than I, and believe it or not, that was one of the things I concidered when making my decision.


Maybe I'll be able to find a minute or two to discuss days gone by about the old Pepperell Moto-Cross track that was on our farm. As I remember you said you used to race there? Do you think you'll be able to find the place okay, or should I forward along directions from Maine?


All I need is the street address and my Tom Tom will deliver me there. The one I have is Cemetery Road. Yes, we will discuss Pepperell. The other day the sight of Les Beech leading the pack down to the starting line came to mind. I could see it for that instant as if it were there that instant. I don't expect any trouble other than being competative. :)

Hi Pete,

Dave is having 'puter problems and may not get back to you in time. Do not rely on your Tom-Tom alone. We had one guy this year that was relying on his GPS, he got there OK...just and hour plus late.

If you would like to send me your email address I will send you instructions that you can print out. That way you at least have a plan B. Me email address is: aquietplace@verizon.net.

Looking forward to meeting you, Al

Not only the one guy that Al mentioned, but I found out last week that 2 weeks ago we had a shooter who was trying to come in from the Boston Area and relying on his GPS who drove up to within a couple of miles of Pinnacle, but never found the place. Then two years ago a different shooter, also coming in from around Boston, got to as far as Nashua, NH before his GPS turned him around and sent him home. In other words, if you are relying soley on any type of GPS, no matter what the make, you probably won't be finding Pinnacle any time soon. I've attached a hard copy below for you to print out. This is the most direct Route for you to follow, so leave the Electronics in ideal mode once you reach Manchester and just follow these.

Follow Rte. I-95 South until just before the Hampton Toll Booth

Exit onto Rte. 101 West toward Manchester

Follow Rte.101 West around Manchester and until After driving around Milford, NH.

Still on Rte. 101, but on the West side of Milford go through 1 set of traffic lights by the N.H State Police Barracks along with a small shopping plaza on your left.

As you approach the Second Set of Lights stay in the Right-hand Lane as you will be going straight across the intersection and leaving Rte. 101 W. This is a country road that crosses a river almost as soon as you enter onto it. Follow this road for approximately 1 mile until you come to a crossroads with a dairy farm on your left, and a stop sign.

Turn LEFT onto Center Road heading toward Lyndeborough, N.H. Stay on this road for 4.3 miles until you reach

Brackett's Cross Road on the left with a small sign for Pinnacle Mtn. This is a dirt road of only .4 mile long. At the end of Brackett's Cross Road turn left onto

Cemetery Road, then take the 1st right into Pinnacle Mountain Fish and Game Club's driveway.
I put the coordinates

42 53.374N 071 45.611W

into my GPS and it gets me to Pinnacle Mt. no problem.
You can check this on Google Earth or Google Maps

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Get John to go with you. He knows the way. See you Sat.
