Newtown Ct.

May GOD be with them.

YES...YES I agree.

A horrific tragedy......if you watched Sunday Night Football and listened to the Obamanators speech........benchrest might be shot with rubberband guns next year (guns fault not the persons fault)....again
My heart is breaking for those poor people.

We will be asked to sacrifice. What is reasonable?

Conch Bill
I don't understand your question Bill...

"what is reasonable?"

You SEEM to be saying that "giving the liberals something" is reasonable.


About as reasonable as sacrificing virgins for better harvest IMO.

Nope, on second thought it's WORSE than that, FAR worse. The REASON this happened as it did is because we've given these guilt-ridden, no-performing, power hungry wackos credence in the first place. Or do you think "gun-free zones" are reasonable?

Howsabout "limiting access to so-called assault rifles....???"

gun banning?

It's a Devil's Bargain

The folks in Newtown, Ct deserve our thoughts and prayers. What has changed int the last 32 years since the first school shooting in my memory, Kent State University, where students were shot by our rulers? Guns can be bad, but guns haven't changed in the last 32 years, peoples attitudes have changed. Changing gun laws will not make a difference to the criminal. Look at other countries records after changing their laws. Also, how many of the child shooters were whacked out on some prescription meds they took for their mental problems? Single parents, parents both holding a job, illegetimate kids normal today, violence on tv, video games, ect have desensetised the kids of today. Who's fault is that? What we have at fault here is a society without a conscience.

Post #4 says "We will be asked to sacrifice. What is reasonable?" Not to pick on Bill, but that sounds like something the Jews may have said when they were being rounded up in Germany.

This country needs to take a look at how Israel is handling things like this. They have had a lot of practice with terrorists.

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I am retired law enforcement and would have given my life to save any one of those kids. However giving up my right to keep and bear arms is not even up for discussion. If you wanna fix "one" of the biggest problems fix the way the system deals with mental illness. In 20 years of law enforcement I saw things change with the people who "usually" commit these crimes from being institutionalized to going on in the general public like there is nothing wrong. Or as the mental hygiene commissioner would say " As long as he stays on his meds he's ok". And when medication isn't taken things like this happen. Things changed because locking nutty people up was cruel or not humane. Cruel and not humane is what happened to those poor kids and adults in that school. I have yet to see a gun that needs to be institutionalized. And yes I do understand there are more than one problem or circumstance that applies. However every shooting that has happened of any magnitude have all had a nutcase connection. It is what it is..............
Protecting the public and what is reasonable?

Would you feel safer for the children in your schools, if like the school in Connecticut tragedy, school officials were disarmed or would you feel safer if key school personnel were trained and armed?

Would you feel safer for your family at home if only the government were armed or would you feel safer if you were armed in your home?

For fact, there will be an agenda advanced by some who wish to disarm us and this nation. this agenda has been brought to the fore many times. Don't fall for it. Urge your government leaders to not fall for it.

If we loose the ability to protect ourselves, our families, our children and our nation, we loose!!!

Here in Sullivan County Tennessee just recently had a similar situation. A man, armed to the teeth, invaded our local high school. Thanks to good law enforcement procedures by our Sheriff, Wayne Anderson, there was an armed school resource officer on duty. She, yes she, and some of her fellow officers shot the assaulter down like the dog he was. Look it up folks, this is a true story that took place within about 8 miles of where I sit as I type this post.

Edit-after I posted this originally, I refreshed myself of the details. The School Resource Officer was Sullivan County Officer Carolyn Gudger. She is our hero and the nation needs more like her and Sheriff Wayne Anderson who instituted this program.
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Those children and teachers would have been better protected if the second amendment extended even to the class room.

If the nut jobs who live amoung us thought that the adults in the schools might be armed and ready to protect their children with the furry of momma bears, would it make a difference? I am sure it would.

On the other hand, we all know someone who we would not trust anywhere near a firearm.

Some things need to be done. Taking guns from law abiding citizens is not the answere.

We need to have our resolve because well meaning people are going to suggest big restrictions on gun use. They don't think like us.

Today on C-Span Washington Journal

Go to the link below, start the video, and scroll to the 37 minute mark and listen at least through the 41 minute mark.
The entire 45 minutes is worth listening to and will give you a feel of the national attitude right now.

But this is how we do it here in Sullivan County Tennessee
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I think your statement is is in line with the thinking that allowed the guns to be availble to the "wackos" that are killing Senators, people in theaters and malls, and schools...I think there is a need to discuss what we need for our personal recreation and self defense...versus anything you want...I carried an assault weapon for 6 years and sure didn't think I needed it at my house when I ended my fact I was always told it was at the armory ready for me if I was called up or reactivated...good enough for me.!!
Spend some time looking at YouTube videos made by these young guys shooting "black guns" and 50 cals at their friends with a watermellon balanced on his head, I think there needs to be some other form of thrilling recreation for these young people other than deadly weapons...

I will cease now and only pray that it is never one of your family members that are taken by a young man with a gun fetish and a mental problem...
maybe it would have been better if his mother had taught him "cross dressing"...;)

Eddie in Texas
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Those children and teachers would have been better protected if the second amendment extended even to the class room.

If the nut jobs who live amoung us thought that the adults in the schools might be armed and ready to protect their children with the furry of momma bears, would it make a difference? I am sure it would.

On the other hand, we all know someone who we would not trust anywhere near a firearm.

Some things need to be done. Taking guns from law abiding citizens is not the answere.

We need to have our resolve because well meaning people are going to suggest big restrictions on gun use. They don't think like us.


30 years ago that wacko would Have been in an asylum being humanely treated, not mainstreamed. Deinstitutionalization is not the cure for the mentally ill!
Houston (America) we have another problem

Just to point out how the divisive media we have works, yesterday morning I did a Yahoo search for "Shooting and Lockdown at East Tennessee High School" and the top search listing was just that.

Later in the morning, after I had called CSpan, the CSpan host, Libby, did the same search and came up with the same link.

This morning I do a search, using Yahoo and several other search engines, and that link does not show up at all!!

The link that should have shown up was which tells the story of what happened where I live, Sullivan County/Kingsport, not that long ago (2010).

Edit-Even CNN still has some on the story.
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It's not rocket science

If the liberals in this country think for one moment that outlawing guns will solve the problem, they should think again.

Most have likely heard this before but it says it all: "WHEN GUNS ARE OUTLAWED, ONLY OUTLAWS WILL HAVE GUNS".