News just in!!!!!

The untrained eye,

would question target 13? but then I have no idea how these targets are reviewed?
would question target 13? but then I have no idea how these targets are reviewed?

The shot does appear to be questionable, but the # 13 bull has a handwritten "P" which signifies plugged, so the rim of the plug must be touching the center dot or X.
Hind Sight

It was plugged, as indicated by the P, The scorer and referees made their call sports fans. It is a 250-25X accomplishment period. In Golf the shooter would be buying however.
Its a dot

On another forum this was posted using target scan software
The ammunition that he was using was Lapua Midas+ and it always punches a smaller hole than Eley
Also when the bullet is above the dot with the bullet always hitting in downwards arch they normally plug in
At the end of the day though the scorer plugged it and said it was in so that should be the end of it

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Ben ,It is official & dats dat !

On another forum this was posted using target scan software
The ammunition that he was using was Lapua Midas+ and it always punches a smaller hole than Eley
Also when the bullet is above the dot with the bullet always hitting in downwards arch they normally plug in
At the end of the day though the scorer plugged it and said it was in so that should be the end of it

View attachment 21321

.001 is enuff , I wish I could see dat well ! Don`t you Ben? In best edge scoring, sometimes the plug is in the shooters corner!
Not Wrong

Slick you are certainly not wrong as long as it hits its there
They used the plug so they couldn't tell either by eye I would say
If the blue dot is right on the target scan photo and I assume it certainly is then its made it by more than .001 I would reckon.
On another forum this was posted using target scan software
The ammunition that he was using was Lapua Midas+ and it always punches a smaller hole than Eley
Also when the bullet is above the dot with the bullet always hitting in downwards arch they normally plug in
At the end of the day though the scorer plugged it and said it was in so that should be the end of it

View attachment 21321

That may be the final word on the score , BUT that does not make it RIGHT. That bullet hole on # 13 does NOT touch the dot. Good shooting....James
That may be the final word on the score , BUT that does not make it RIGHT. That bullet hole on # 13 does NOT touch the dot. Good shooting....James

How do you know, were you part of the scoring team? Did you see it plugged? Seems quite plausible that touches the dot when plugged having plugged and scored many targets myself. This isn't a naked eye test. At least two out of three people on the scoring team would have to agree it touches.

Believe what you want, but I don't expect the scoring team made it up.
How do you know, were you part of the scoring team? Did you see it plugged? Seems quite plausible that touches the dot when plugged having plugged and scored many targets myself. This isn't a naked eye test. At least two out of three people on the scoring team would have to agree it touches.

Believe what you want, but I don't expect the scoring team made it up.

Neither of us saw the scoring, but examine the target closely and compare number 12 to number 13. On number 13 the bullet touches the 9 ring, but in number 14 which barely touches the X dot, there is a gap to the 9 ring. That gap is ~ amount that number 13 lacks touching the X. Just saying.....
I would take the scorer's word for it. It looks like one of those shots that could go either way. This time it went for the shooter. If it was my target and I didn't get that x I would have hung $2.00 on it. If you look close #7 and 25 both have white showing between the bullet hole and the x. I have scored a fair amount of targets over the years and have no doubt that they are x's even with not being plugged.

I have seen this before where guys from hundreds or thousands of miles away try to make a call. Leave it to those who were actually there. It's not like we stand to make a lot of money playing this game. After all it is just a game.

Ken Henderson


Jerry Rosenberger
Neither of us saw the scoring, but examine the target closely and compare number 12 to number 13. On number 13 the bullet touches the 9 ring, but in number 14 which barely touches the X dot, there is a gap to the 9 ring. That gap is ~ amount that number 13 lacks touching the X. Just saying.....

Hi James,

The diameter of the hole made with RF ammo can vary greatly based on the target paper used, the type and condition of the backer, the type of ammo (RN or FN), and the humidity. There are also several other factors that easily exceed about +/- 0.002" as regards to tolerances in precise measurements.
We don't have the luxury of shooting CF supersonic projectiles where measurements are possible with far less stacked tolerances. CF's burn a hole in the target like a laser, RF's don't and hole diameters are "ALWAYS" less than bore size.

In this case, even with the poor resolution of the image, it wasn't difficult for me to believe the shot was an X when I looked at bull #13.
Besides, I have to believe the scorers in a world competition are skilled enough to use a plug and the major manufacturers of electronic scoring software have tolerances adequate to the task.

You also have to remember that Pedro was shooting RN Lapua ammo and it will produce bullet hole diameters in the range of 0.005" to as much as 0.015" smaller than Eley FN ammo.
Regardless, I'm sure a 0.224" RF plug would touch the dot for an X.

Hope this helps,

You have 30 minutes to protest a target. The 30 minutes has passed.
End of conversation.

don't get confused by the rules. My God, when a former supreme court justice comes out in favor of changing the rules....2nd Amendment...its now a free for all, don't ya know! :confused: