New to F-class, help please!


I would like to try to shoot F-class match in the next few months.
I have shot several point blank BR (group match), several 500m Flyshoot matches, and a 1,000 yds match - but never shot or know the F-class, so far.

My questions are:
1. How many shots per target, how many targets per day, yardages, time limit etc?
2. Option of marked or blind? (like in 1,000 yds match?)
3. Is it group match or score match, or combination?
4. How many sighters allowed per target, for instance?
5. Any rotation etc?
6. Which one more interesting/ has more challenge, F-TR or F-Open?

Sorry if that is dumb questions!

Any helps will be much appreciated, thanks you!

The designer of the world's best front rest cannot have a dumb question.
Answers by question.
1. In the USA we normally shoot 15-20 shots per target/string. With 45-65 record shots per day. Yard lines vary 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 & 1,000 yards. Normally 1 minute per shot (pulled after each shot and marked).
2. After each shot the target is pulled down and the shot marked with a location disk and the value is signaled with a value disk.
3. FC is a scored match.
4. Depending on the match you will get 2 sighter shots or unlimited.
5. You will rotate into and out of the pits (pulling and marking targets) but no target rotation in a day.
6. Given your background F Open would be more challenging and easier to adapt to.

You might want to have a look at a dated but still informative chapter on F-Class shooting in the book Precision Shooting at 1,000 Yards published by Precision Shooting magazine.
Larry Bartholome
Thanks you for your time sir!

1. There is no 'standard' with the shot #, yardages etc in F-class?
2. No blind?
3. Got it.
4. When 2 sighter shots allowed, is that all before the record, or can we shoot sighter #2 during the record?
5. Got it.
6. Is it possible / can we shoot both F-TR & F-Open in a match, using each suitable/dedicated rifle - with no rush etc?

Again thanks!
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1. F Class is a bit more involved than BR. This is due to its roots in Fullbore prone shooting. In British Commonwealth countries some matches are only 7 or 10 shots each and it is possible to convert your sighting shots into record shots. It gets complicated.
The 4th World Championships to be held in Raton, New Mexico, USA in August 2013 will be shot at 800, 900 and 1k yards. THE FCWC are always held at those distances. The FCWC is shot under ICFRA rules and you can convert your sighting shots if you wish.
2. No Blind? Yes, targets are always pulled and marked after each shot.
3. Good.
4. All sighters are shot before you go for record.
5. Good
6. Due to time constraints this is not likely. Would depend on local rules.
Larry sir, many thanks for your time & informations!
Your inputs really help. (I will be going to the European F-class C/ship at Bisley, next November).

I hope I can shoot an F-class match in the States and shake your hands, someday.

Best Regards from Indonesia,
Seb, I know you are an occasional visitor to Belmont in Brisbane. Are you likely to be visiting again sometime? If so, some people there can take you for a club F class shoot to give you an idea of what it is all about. It's good fun. Rifles and reloading practices are bench rest standard, but you shoot from 300-1000yds (or more).

At the European Championships you will be shooting 'pair fire'. This means you will alternate shots at one target with another shooter. After the first person fires his first shot the target is pulled and marked. The non shooter records and tells the shooter the value. Then the non shooter has 45 seconds to fire his first shot. They alternate shots until the firing is completed.

If you want to shoot in the USA 2013 would be a good time to come. The US F Class Nationals will precede the World's on August 18-22, 2013. Then the World Championships will be held August 23-27, 2013. Both matches in Raton, NM at the NRA Whittington Center range.
Again many thanks sir!


At the European Championships you will be shooting 'pair fire'. This means you will alternate shots at one target with another shooter. After the first person fires his first shot the target is pulled and marked. The non shooter records and tells the shooter the value. Then the non shooter has 45 seconds to fire his first shot. They alternate shots until the firing is completed.
Re; pair fire. Is that with the same 'another shooter' all day long/all yardages, or per target? Also is it by random/drawing, or chosen?

If you want to shoot in the USA 2013 would be a good time to come. The US F Class Nationals will precede the World's on August 18-22, 2013. Then the World Championships will be held August 23-27, 2013. Both matches in Raton, NM at the NRA Whittington Center range.
I will consider it, sounds very interesting. Especially if I place 'good' at Bisley, and can have a rifle to use in Raton.

Seb, I know you are an occasional visitor to Belmont in Brisbane. Are you likely to be visiting again sometime? If so, some people there can take you for a club F class shoot to give you an idea of what it is all about. It's good fun. Rifles and reloading practices are bench rest standard, but you shoot from 300-1000yds (or more).

RS, sure I'll be there next time! Anyway it wouldn't be this year mate. I just shot the BRT Fly Nats in Canberra a few months ago....maybe next year.

I was told that video transmiter-receiver is not allowed in 1,000 yds match.
My question now, is it allowed for the F-class?
Because if so, I plan to make one.

I was told that video transmiter-receiver is not allowed in 1,000 yds match.
My question now, is it allowed for the F-class?
Because if so, I plan to make one.

Hello. I doubt that there would be physical room for it or the opportunity to set one up. I'll say no.
There will be someone else to spot and record your shots while you're on the line.

With Pair Firing, the delay between your shots is extended, the winds really tests your wind reading skills.
Hi Seb,

Vince here from the UK - I'll be at the Europeans and we'll look after you.

Basically, you will shoot at 8, 9 & 1000 yards on each of two days - Friday and Saturday. 15 & 2 to count at each distance but 2 and 20 at 1000 yds. That means about 112 rounds plus 'blow off' shots - say another 6 rounds.

There are two classes - F/TR for rifles chambered for the 308Win. or 223 Rem. cartridge shooting off a bi-pod and back bag. Max weight 8.25kg. Or Open class - any cartridge up to 8mm shooting off benchrest-style rests. Max weight 10kg.

You will shoot with a different partner at each distance - so you will get to know a lot of shooters by the end of the weekend! As Larry explained, you will shoot in turn, scoring for your partner. Each shot is clearly indicated on the target with an orange spotter so no need for video stuff.

On the Sunday, there is a Teams Match for teams from the various countries - about ten countries were represented last year. If you are not bringing a full team there is plenty of opportunity to join or make up an 'ad hoc' team.

If you have a look at the Target Shooter magazine website and download the (free) December 2011 edition, there is a full write-up with pics of last year's event.

Looking forward to shooting with you.
Vince (UK)
Hi Vince,

How are you!? Many thanks for the info!

I'll be like a kid in a candy store at Bisley!....first time to the UK, first time to F-class match, first time to see dedicated FC guns etc....It must be a Great Time!!!

Well, you might probably feel 'strange' that I would like to shoot F-class match the first time in a BIG match like the Europeans....and the fact that I'm just an occasional 'shooter'... but that's the way I learn. (Shooting with/against the Bests is always more interesting & challenging to me. Besides, I can learn how they shoot, etc). I'm glad that I'm progressing.

The Team Match sounds very interesting. I'll joint an 'ad hoc' team if possible.

Meanwhile I will learn the rules, preparing some stuffs etc.

I'll be there two days before the match so I can get two practice days.

***Tell Gary Costello I'd beat him next November, LOL!


I did hear a rumour (from Brian Fox) that you might be coming to Diggle Ranges for a shoot?

Most likely not, Vince.
I plan to come two days before the shoot, London- straight to Bisley, then back home one or two days after the shoot. (we might stay in London for one/two nights after the shoot).
I hope so (to Diggle, etc) next time.

Seblam- you do not say what rifle/caliber you are going to shoot. i have not shot a lot ; my experience is some calibers are a little more forgiving. the wind is challenging. ron