I think this question is addressed in the FAQ section. If not, it should be.
Let's start by allowing that there is no best. There is "most popular," and while it doesn't change quite as fast as last weeks winner, that's a factor in "popular."
The best advice anybody can give you is to go to a match -- several matches. Do your homework first, so you have some idea about what you are interested in, but don't go just to confirm what you have already decided. Too many of us do that. I've done it, too, and should know better by this time.
"Features" are just that. They work better for some shooting styles than others. The last match I went to, the grand agg champion used an old Stolle Panda, right bolt, right port. His loading measure was an old Redding BR-30. His press wasn't an RCBS partner, but it might as well have been. He just plain outshot us.
Usually, if you show up at a match & there is time at the end of the first day -- or at the end of the day for a score match, people will let you try their rifles; not a lot of rounds perhaps, but at least a few shots. That is worth a lot of ink or internet pixels.
The other bit of advice I can offer is don't be too concerned about getting it right the first time. You will both learn over time, and change you mind. The latter is not necessarily linked to the former, but I guarantee you will change you mind. Your first rig should be conventional. That will keep you out of some trouble.
Welcome, and good luck.