New Tenex has damage...



Just got 4 boxes of Eley Tenex 1007-02134 1076 and each bullet has damage. It looks like feeding damage but I think its factory. On the edge of the flat there is a 45 degree mushed area on one side. I opened two boxes and both boxes are the exact same. I hold the bullets up to the puter screen and twist them in my fingers and they are "out of round". Do I need to return them or what? My black box EPS wasn't like this.
Bilrus 61

Check the new Black box stuff. You may find it is just the same.:mad:
Cant be true I thought thats why we pay the extra $13 for Q.C.???????????:confused:
Eley EPS

I just got a brick from Midway USA of Eley EPS and checked. They have the same problem others are describing...lot number 1107-05097-1080. I'm going to try a box this weekend - if my targets are off, then I call Midway and exchange the remaining.
Yes Robb H thats them!

So there are lots of them like that out there. I'll index them in the clip and hope that negates all ill effects. How come nobody's talked about this before???:confused: Are these seconds and the "good stuff" gets parcled out to the big time shooters? If thats the deal I'm glad I found out early enough in my "benchrest career" to go back to Silhouette shooting.;)
Bilrus, The big question is Did You Shoot Any of them? Second Question Did You Feed Them From A Clip? Then the rest of the problems. To much wax, To little wax, Crimp to loose, Crimp to tight, Lead has air pockets, Weight to heavy, to light, My gun only shoots one speed. And the list goes on. Shoot some, The holes in the paper will tell you a lot more than your puter screen.
This message has been deleted by Mike S. Reason: decided to behave myself

Now that's funny! :D
Nope not shoot them yet.

I just got 'em. I've had some EPS before with the black box. Wasn't like this. My complaint was simply the appearance. If you check out Robb H post/link you'll see pics. Not fed them from a clip....every bullet has the same uneven look/dent right out of the box. Not shot them yet. I'll see how they shoot this Saturday. Yes I know that the holes in the paper tell the tail but its 20 degrees out and the wind is howling.:D I just wanted to see if anyone else has seen this in Eley EPS and I can see that its pretty common. I'm relieved (I guess....) and will try them out.The reason I was holding them up to the computer screen as its a good background to check out visually any distortions.
Guys that little angle has been like that on most lots for at least 2 years, does'nt seem to affect anything although I suspect Cecil has an engineering book with the exact calculation.:D
I currently

have a case of Tenex and a case of Black Box that show the same signs as being talked about. Todate I have shot several 250's with high X counts with this ammo. Seems to be no problems that I can see. I have shot this ammo on several occasions with different temps and wind conditions with no problems at all. Temps from mid 60's to high 20's, wind from 2-4 mph to 10-15 mph. Hope this gives you an idea at least with my tests.
Hey Tim....

Matter of fact I do have a book that tells me what happens when you remove material from one side of a bullet. It's "The Bullet's Flight". It was written about 100 years ago by F. W. Mann who was a doctor of medicine not an engineer, so maybe you would like the book. He might be considered one of the first benchrest shooters. If you haven't read this, you should, for a shooter it's got a lot of old but good stuff in it.
Cecil, Are you sure you could get good information out of a book! This is the age of computers. Would you turn the page with the same finger that you use on the Enter Key being your trigger finger?
Matter of fact I do have a book that tells me what happens when you remove material from one side of a bullet. It's "The Bullet's Flight". It was written about 100 years ago by F. W. Mann who was a doctor of medicine not an engineer, so maybe you would like the book. He might be considered one of the first benchrest shooters. If you haven't read this, you should, for a shooter it's got a lot of old but good stuff in it.

Have it and virtually everything else that covers precision shooting since the inception of the false muzzle, both here and Germany.Still even shoot one of the first match.22's made in this country Cecil, a Stevens Walnut hill, come on ya gotta do better than that. By the way there's nothing removed, just a small dent in the edge of the tip.
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I went and looked at sum of my eley lots from 1005,1006,1007 all have the same marking on the lead. I then looked at my eley eps from early 2000's and its the same way I don't believe its a defect if it is its not hurting anything.
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Those bullets are defective and you should not shoot them. Just pack them up and send them to me and I will test them all.:)
Hey Tim, if you are going to grow up to be a big benchrest shooter you have to learn to pay attention to the little things, especially "little dents". Little dents in your barrel might cause you a problem; a little dent in the crown could be a real headache; a little dent any part is what we book-smart-a** engineers call a stress raiser and might lead to a problem for you. I'm sure you are already aware of what a little dent in your primers has caused! As for those little dents in bullets...well, just be careful!