I am new to competition benchrest but I am an experienced shooter. I have a PPC rig with a Bruno McMillan stock and a Krieger 4 groove. I have been a bag squeezer for years at the range shooting my varmint rifles just on sandbags with a regular cheap protektor rear bag. I'm doing all my adjustments with the rear bag. Around here all the comps are for score, so I entered a couple and took first place in both, just using a cheap tripod front rest and my cheap protektor bag. I would like to get something of better quality for a front rest maybe (Farley or a tripod like a Hart) The thing is I don't know if I can get used to using the joystick, yet with the tripod it takes a while to adjust to every bull and then go to the sighters. What would you guys recommend to a bag squeezer. Should I go for the other method adjusting the front rest or keep squeezing the rear bag for shooting score?