New Orleans Saints


Tim, you can't bust on Dave, I just found out we're neighbors. Well, sort of. I grew up at 42.648338 north, 71.451628 west, (though in those days it was just Westford Road, Tyngsborough) in the big cooblestone house, my Grandfather built. I think Dave's over near Pepperell. Cheers Dave and Tim
Tim, It might not be such a good idea to have a New York vs Boston debate here, though, I guess now would be the best time, considering the Yankees finally won one this century! Xs and Os, Charles ("born"in the shadow of Fenway Park, except the un was on my side.)

I'm not really a huge baseball fan but I thought I'd throw that in. By the way I saw the NHL outdoor game at Fenway this year. You could tell it was at Fenway because as soon as the first goal scored everybody stood up and screamed "the Yankees suck". By the way one this century still beats one since WWII.:D
Tim, The Red Sox won the the World Series in 2007. I know the educational systems in New york are suspect, even upstate. I,also know that every Yankee fan in the Evil Empire, wants to forget it, but, in 2004 the Red Sox also beat St. Louis to win the World Series. You remember, the Red Sox beat the Yankees 4 straight, overcoming a 3 game deficit. The first time in history a team, (the Yankees), ever blew a 3 game lead. WWII, I read some where, was in the 1940's. No wait, my father told me, he fought in the Atlantic and Pacific. So, if his info was correct, that would make 2 World Series since WWII. Just thought I'd take a moment to supplement that New York education. Keep em in the black, Charles